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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Victorian Supplement: 2001 Rediscovering the Otway Basin
Horacio Haag, Geoff Collins, Maher Megallaa, Mike Woollands, Andrew Constantine, David Wong, David H. Moore, Tom Bernecker, Kourosh Mehin, Bob Harms, Eagle Bay Resources NL, Origin Energy Resources Ltd, Woodside Energy Ltd, Strike Oil NL, Santos Ltd, Bass Strait Oil Company, Esso Australia Ltd.
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Analysis
Chris Lewis
Abstract: Time-Lapse 3D Seismic Physical Modelling
J. J. McKenna, A. K. Pauli, A. M. Shepherd, B. J. Evans, J. A. McDonald
Abstract: Using Unsupervised Classification of Seismic Trace Shape to Create Facies Maps: Examples from the Australian North West Shelf
Jim Dirstein
Abstract: Non-Linear Effects in Reservoirs: Are We Missing Something?
Bruce M Hartley
Abstract: Pore Pressure Prediction Using Borehole Calibrated Seismic Attributes
Alan V. Strudley
Abstract: The Petroleum Geochemistry of Oils and Source Rocks from the Northern Bonaparte Basin, Offshore Northern Australia
James C. Preston, Dianne S. Edwards
Apache Exploration Plans Stronger Than Ever
PESA Staff
Abstract: Fletcher Challenge the Latest Jewel in Shell's Crown
PESA Staff
Abstract: NZ Experiencing Exploration Boom
PESA Staff
Abstract: Free-Flowing Oil Tested at Indo-Pacific's Goldie-1 Well
PESA Staff
Abstract: GEL Expands into Offshore by Joining Pacific Tiger
PESA Staff
Abstract: Intensive Work at Southern End of Pohokura Field
PESA Staff
Abstract: Two New Offshore Taranaki Permits Granted to NZOG and FCE
PESA Staff
2001 SA Petroleum Acreage Releases
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: IAGC Plays Key Role in Cetacean Guidelines
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: David and the Goliaths: Unocal's Patent 393
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Australia's Oil Industry: Looking Back from the Future
Nicholas Grollman
Extended Abstract: New Guinea - A Structural Kibosh with >40 Tcf Gas; What Have We Learned?
Kevin Hill
Extended Abstract: Quantitative Palynological Review of Well Potoroo-1: A Sequence Biostratigraphic Approach and Its Impact on the Seismic Stratigraphy of the Ceduna Sub-Basin in the Great Australian Bight, South Australia
Huibert van den Brink
Extended Abstract: The Permo-Carboniferous Glaciation of Gondwana: Its Legacy in Western Australia
Phillip Playford
Seismic Australia Set for Growth
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Desert Explorer Minimises Environmental Footprint
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: TGS-NOPEC Announces New Non-Exclusive 2D Survey Offshore New Zealand
PESA Staff
Abstract: Vega Takes off for ECL
PESA Staff
Woodside Hits the Mark into Eastern Australia
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: A New Look at Old Basins in South Australia
PESA Staff
Brazil 2001 - A Spec Odyssey
Roberto Fainstein, George A. Jamieson
Abstract: Alkylphenols in Crude Oils: Indicators of Migration
Robert Herman
Abstract: Something Rotten at the Core of Science?
David F. Horrobin
Abstract: Unocal RFG Licenses to Improve Air Quality
PESA Staff
Abstract: Latest Developments in Stratigraphic Forward Modelling
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Trace Fossils as Tools in Reservoir Description: Examples from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of the Carnarvon and Bonaparte Basins
Fiona Burns
Extended Abstract: PESA NSW Executive Forum
Paul Ashby
Gas Commercialisation: Efforts to Secure PNG's Economic Future
Paul Tiensten
Abstract: New Zealand Well Represented at the Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium
PESA Staff
Oil Exploration Interest Gathers Pace in New Zealand
PESA Staff
Abstract: Interest Grows in New Zealand's Large Offshore Basins
PESA Staff
Abstract: Crude Oil Now NZ's No. 1 Export to Australia
PESA Staff
Abstract: New Zealand Petroleum Conference
PESA Staff
Abstract: New Zealand Refinery Achieves Record Profits
PESA Staff
Adelaide Uni Drills Well on Campus
PESA Staff
Abstract: PIRSA State of South Australia Chair at the National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
PESA Staff
Abstract: DBNGP - Trouble in the Pipeline
PESA Staff
Abstract: WA Sees Third Native Title Settlement
PESA Staff
CGG - Progressive Approach to Perth Centre
PESA Staff
CONOP - A New Tool in Basin Exploration
PESA Staff
Energyhub: Information at Your Fingertips
PESA Staff
3D for the Web and Corporate Presentations
PESA Staff
Abstract: Thinking 'Out of the Box' - The Role of the Geologist in Meeting Future Energy Demand
Robbie Gries
Abstract: Sleipner West CO2 Sequestration Monitoring Study
Jason McKenna
Abstract: The Early Permian Callytharra Formation, Merlinleigh Sub-Basin
Matthew Dixon
Abstract: Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Perth Basin
Cindy Barber
Australians Turn up the Heat on Eastern Bloc Gas
PESA Staff
Abstract: Why are There No Glendolites in the Western Australia Permian?
John Gorter
Carbonate Shoals and Hydrocarbons in the Western Timor Sea
Ian Lavering, Andrew Jones
The Petroleum Prospectivity of the Otway Basin
V P St John
Abstract: Exploration History of the Otway Basin
PESA Staff
Abstract: Otway Environmental Approvals
Jeremy Coleman
Abstract: Lakes Confident of Troas Gas
PESA Staff
Abstract: Depleted Otway Reservoirs Offer Peak Season Relief
PESA Staff
Abstract: PEL-84 Well Placed to be Analogous Producer
PESA Staff
Abstract: Preparing to Strike
PESA Staff
Abstract: Otway: Australia's Next Gas Province
PESA Staff
Abstract: Otway Oil a Chance: Beach
PESA Staff
Abstract: Thylacine Rekindles Otway Interest
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Turning on the Lights to Australia's Long-Term Energy Alternatives
PESA Staff
Abstract: Indo-Pacific Confirms Drilling Plans
PESA Staff
Abstract: NZ Petroleum Permit Bidding Round
PESA Staff
Abstract: First Kauri Results Released
PESA Staff
Whale Guidelines Clarify Seismic Practices
PESA Staff