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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Burswood Celebration Heralds New Era for CGGVeritas
PESA Staff
Exploration Ticking over as Nexus Cranks up 2007 Appraisal, Production Effort
PESA Staff
Explorers Taking Keener Interest in Offshore Tasmania Potential
PESA Staff
Increasing Certainty: New Directions in Regional Marine Planning
Donna Petrachenko
Peering into the Abyss: Scientists, Oil Companies Work Together to Unlock Secrets of the Deep
PESA Staff
Abstract: Otway Basin C02 Storage Test to Start in February
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Gorgon C02 Project Set to Significantly Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: C02 Geosequestration Key to Success of ZeroGen Clean Coal Project
PESA Staff
Abstract: Tough Conditions Imposed on Gorgon
PESA Staff
MEO Welcomes Green Light for Major Timor Sea Gas Projects
PESA Staff
Abstract: $8 MM Spinel Survey to Tap Cooper Fields
PESA Staff
Abstract: Cash-Maple Lease Extended
PESA Staff
Abstract: PGS Awarded Woodside Seismic Contract
PESA Staff
Abstract: Xodus Consultancy Opens Perth Office
PESA Staff
Abstract: Arc Acquires Further Canning Basin Acreage
PESA Staff
Abstract: Cooper Energy Acquires 6.64% Mosaic Oil Interest
PESA Staff
Abstract: SpectrumData to Store and Recover NASA Data from the Moon
PESA Staff
Abstract: Late February Start for $20 MM Marie Seismic Survey
PESA Staff
Abstract: Industry-Run College Receives $23.5 MM to Boost Pilbara Trade Training
PESA Staff
Abstract: Beach Surges to First Half Revenue Record
PESA Staff
Abstract: Government Extends Seismic Confidentiality Periods
PESA Staff
Abstract: Chinguetti, Enfield Helps Woodside to Record 67.9 MMboe
PESA Staff
Abstract: Oil Exploration Picks up Pace in the Centre
PESA Staff
Abstract: NZ Utility to Build 88 MW South Australian Windfarm
PESA Staff
Abstract: Australia Encouraged to Follow Chinese Wind Push
PESA Staff
Abstract: WA Joins Hydrogen Fuels Push
PESA Staff
Abstract: Renewable Energy to Provide 20% of WA Power by 2010
PESA Staff
Abstract: Geodynamics Set to Acquire Own Rig as Shortages Bite
PESA Staff
Green Rock Energy Hungary for Geothermal Success
PESA Staff
Abstract: Beach Paves Way for Energy Diversity, Signs $30 MM Deal with Geothermal Company
PESA Staff
Abstract: June Target for First Tui Oil
PESA Staff
Abstract: Mitsui Increases Taranaki Stake: Report
PESA Staff
Abstract: Trans-Orient to Probe North Island Shales
PESA Staff
ARC Prepares for 20-Well Canning Basin Campaign to Ease Domestic Gas Supply Crisis
PESA Staff
Penny Drops on Exploration Potential for Central Australia
PESA Staff
Abstract: Apache on Exploration, Development War Path — Exmouth Project Targeted
Tim Wall
Extended Abstract: Safety First Priority for APPEA Chairman as New Workers Flock to Industry
PESA Staff
Abstract: Origin Launches New Carbon Reduction Scheme
PESA Staff
Abstract: Exxon Chief Calls for Climate Change, Economic Development Balance
PESA Staff
Abstract: Environment Crusader Sees 'Win-Win' for Development, Environment Harmony
PESA Staff
Abstract: American Power Giant to use CO2 Capture at Coal-Fired Power Plants
PESA Staff
Abstract: Chihuaha, Mexico – Home of Small Dogs and Giant Crystals
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Chevron Casts Wide 'Geo-Talent' Net for Perth Global Technology Centre
PESA Staff
Abstract: AWE Accelerates Search for Gas in South East Australia
PESA Staff
Abstract: New Seismic Rules Yield Instant Results: First Surveys in Five Years
PESA Staff
Abstract: Non-Exclusive Marine Seismic Survey Activity Ramps up After Confidentiality Periods Extended
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Back Natural Gas as Best Option for Urgent Action on Emissions, Says APPEA
PESA Staff
Abstract: Chevron, Partners to Explore New 3,000 km2 Gorgon Block
PESA Staff
Abstract: $40 Billion Investment Needed by 2020 to Meet Gas Demand
PESA Staff
Abstract: Nexus, Shell Awarded New Permit Surrounding Crux
PESA Staff
Abstract: Hurricane-2 to Target Large Oil Play
PESA Staff
Abstract: Eagle Bay Swoops on Deep Water Exploration Block
PESA Staff
Abstract: Rawson Acquires Bass Basin Acreage
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Santos Slashes $85 MM from 2007 Exploration Budget
PESA Staff
Abstract: LNG Growth Reshapes Strategy for Energy Companies
PESA Staff
Abstract: Ancient Rock Collisions May Have Formed WA
PESA Staff
Abstract: Victoria to Target 18 Wells in Six Months
PESA Staff
Abstract: 2006 Gas Production up 3.4%, Oil down 5.5%
PESA Staff
Abstract: Sunrise on Horizon Again After Treaties Ratified
PESA Staff
Abstract: 2D Northern Carnarvon Survey to Start
PESA Staff
Abstract: Origin to Invest $53 Million for Spring Gully CSG Expansion
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Continent-Wide Search for New Mineral, Energy Sources Gets Airborne
PESA Staff
Abstract: Offshore WA, Victoria Exploration Can Benefit from UK Shelf Model
PESA Staff
Abstract: Last Roll of the Dice for Offshore Perth Basin Explorers
PESA Staff
Abstract: Beach in New Campaign to Increase Southwest Queensland Oil Output
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: $1 B Exploration Boost over Next Six Years After 12 New Permits Awarded
PESA Staff
Petroleum and Geothermal Activity in South Australia 2006-2007
Elinor Alexander
Abstract: Feds Provide $5 MM Grant for Geothermal Project
PESA Staff
Abstract: Showcase $70 MM Renewable Energy Plant Planned for Darwin
PESA Staff
Abstract: $8 MM Boost for Sustainable Energy Research
PESA Staff
Abstract: Energy Group Welcomes Labor Solar Power Home Plan
PESA Staff
Abstract: WA Geothermal Push Gathers Steam
PESA Staff
Abstract: Feds Back Geothermal Development Plan
PESA Staff
Abstract: Eden Secures Second Indian Hythane Deal
PESA Staff
Abstract: Origin Acquires Seismic Data in Four New Zealand Permits
PESA Staff
Spectral Signatures of the Tubridgi Field: Onshore Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Jim Dirstein, Maher Maklad
Oligocene Fossils Spur Lifelong Quest to Solve Subterranean Puzzles
PESA Staff
Victoria Petroleum on Track for Strong 2007 Growth
PESA Staff
Victorian Supplement 2007 — Victoria: The Place to Invest
Maher Megallaa, Jim Driscoll, Tom Bernecker, Geoffrey O'Brien, Kourosh Mehin, Peter Henderson, Philip Smith, Ian Reid, Robert Annells, Sandra Menpes, Chris Haslam, Kathryn Mitchell
Deep Water and Frontier Exploration in Australia – Historical Perspectives, Present Environment and Likely Future Trends
Terry Walker
Abstract: Future of Australian Petroleum Industry under Scrutiny Following New Report - APPEA
PESA Staff
Abstract: ARC Probes Domestic LNG Potential for WA
PESA Staff
Abstract: Arrow Gas for Export Market in Multi-Billion Dollar LNG Export Deal
PESA Staff
Abstract: New Discoveries Extend Beach's Bodalla South Oilfield
PESA Staff
Abstract: MBA Growing on Oil Price, Coal Seam Gas Activity
PESA Staff
Abstract: July Start for Cooper Energy's Eight Well Indonesian, SA Campaign
PESA Staff
Abstract: Drillsearch, ExxonMobil to Drill Marina Prospect
PESA Staff
Abstract: Eden Targets SA Outback in 2007
PESA Staff
Abstract: Call to Review Native Title Act
PESA Staff
Abstract: Stuart to Drill Seven Cooper/Eromanga Wells
PESA Staff
Abstract: PRRT Changes to 'Lower Compliance Costs, Remove Inconsistencies'
PESA Staff
Explosive Chinese Growth to Have Huge Impact on Energy – Hungry World
PESA Staff
Abstract: WWF Warns of 'Global Outrage' If Scott Reef Used for Browse LNG Project
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Mark Thompson (Statoil, Norway) Visits Vic/Tas-Branch and Shares His Knowledge about Ocean Bottom Seismic Surveys
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: $320 MM Offshore Exploration Boost as Seven New Permits Awarded
PESA Staff
Abstract: Feds Release 34 New Offshore Exploration Areas for 2007
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Upcoming Acreage Releases in the South Australian Cooper and Otway Basins
PESA Staff
Abstract: Petroleum Exploration Land Release in Queensland's Frontier Basins
PESA Staff
Abstract: Yolla, Thylacine Spur Tasmanian Exploration Bonanza
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: $941.7 Million Invested in WA Petroleum Exploration Expenditure, 56% of Australian Total during 2006
PESA Staff
Abstract: Brewing a Sustainable Energy Solution
PESA Staff
Abstract: Tasmanian Geothermal Exploration Bid
PESA Staff
Abstract: Carpenter Backs Geothermal Energy to Power Second Desalination Plant
PESA Staff
Abstract: Five Companies to Invest $77.6 MM Exploring Victorian Geothermal Potential
PESA Staff
Abstract: Australian Geothermal Energy Sector 'Coming of Age' - Petratherm
PESA Staff
Abstract: $59.6 MM for Renewable Fuels Research
PESA Staff
Abstract: Energy Hub to Accelerate WA's Alternative Fuels Industry
PESA Staff
Abstract: Biofuels Development Could Drive up Food Costs – UN Report
PESA Staff
Abstract: Alliance to Fast Track Hydrogen Development
PESA Staff
Abstract: Hot Rock Energy Investment to Exceed $500 MM by 2012
PESA Staff
Abstract: Solar Power Set to Shine Brightly
PESA Staff
Abstract: AWE Expands Taranaki Basin Acreage Portfolio
PESA Staff
Abstract: Latest Round of NZ Government Seismic Surveys to Begin
PESA Staff
Abstract: OMV Strengthens NZ Presence
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Central's Dream Becoming a Reality
PESA Staff
ROC Oil: Steady as She Goes
PESA Staff
Abstract: CGGVeritas Merger a Success!
PESA Staff
Abstract: Offshore Petroleum Exploration Set to Increase: Recent Successes Have Significantly Increased Known Oil and Gas Reserves
Jenny Maher
Abstract: 3D Begins 2D in the Bass Strait
PESA Staff
Abstract: Oil Flows at Apache Well
PESA Staff
Abstract: Metgasco Completes Work on Clarence Moreton Basin Farmin
PESA Staff
Abstract: Pure Buys Tipton CSG
PESA Staff
Abstract: Expansion for Queensland Gas Pipeline
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Onshore Energy Security Program Takes Off: Search for New Energy Sources is Underway
James Johnson
Abstract: QGC to Spend Big in Push for Massive Growth
PESA Staff
Abstract: Mosaic'c Hurricane Field Discovery
PESA Staff
Abstract: Santos to Supply WA Mining Boom
PESA Staff
Abstract: Westralian Signs CSG Deal with ERM Gas
PESA Staff
Abstract: Study of $11.7 Billion Maret Island LNG Project Gets Go-Ahead
PESA Staff
Abstract: A Win for Seismic with New Whale Guidelines
PESA Staff
Abstract: BHP Billion Set for Pyrenees
PESA Staff
Abstract: Pluto Gets Nod from EPA
PESA Staff
Abstract: PM Climate Change Agenda: Mixed Reactions
PESA Staff
Abstract: Counting Carbon Emissions: Who Should I Trust?
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Industry Can Save Energy, Reduce CO2 Emissions: Substantial Industrial Energy Efficiency Potentials Remain; Government and Industry Should Co-Operate to Advance Indicators Analysis
Claude Mandil
Abstract: Victorian Seaside Community Irate over Desalination Plant
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Clean, Renewable Energy: Under the Sea?
PESA Staff
Abstract: Financial Boon for NZ Exploration
PESA Staff
Abstract: Oil Flows at Tui
PESA Staff
The Small Company with Big Acreage
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Aminex's African Adventure
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Hot Dry Rocks There for the Beginning of an Industry
PESA Staff
Geothermal Energy: Australian Outlook
PESA Staff
Abstract: Cougar to Investigate Victoria's UCG Potential
PESA Staff
Abstract: Apache Gives Maitland Field Another Chance
PESA Staff
Abstract: Beach Discovers New Oil in Queensland
PESA Staff
Abstract: Megellan to Focus on Nockatunga
PESA Staff
Abstract: Eastern Star Gas Aims to Cash in on CSG in NSW
PESA Staff
Abstract: New CMM Power Project at Moranbah North
PESA Staff
Abstract: Gorgon Clears its Final Hurdle
PESA Staff
Abstract: University Shortens Engineering Degree for Skills Shortage
PESA Staff
Abstract: National Geological Data Room to Boost Exploration
PESA Staff
Abstract: Alcoa Pays ARC A$40M for Future Canning Basin Discoveries
PESA Staff
Abstract: Innamincka Declares Major New Onshore Oilfield
PESA Staff
Abstract: Gippsland Offshore Takeover for Browse Basin Acreage
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: WA Gas Supply Crisis by 2009?
PESA Staff
Abstract: Exploration in the Canning Basin ARCs up
PESA Staff
Greenpeace Slams CO2 Storage as Legislation is Drafted
PESA Staff
Abstract: New Oil Discovery at Comic-1
PESA Staff
Abstract: Frontier Oil and Gas Granted NT Permit
PESA Staff
Abstract: Former Deputy PM John Anderson New Eastern Star Gas Chair
PESA Staff
Abstract: Safe Storage of CO2 in Sight
PESA Staff
Abstract: State Government Releases Central WA Acreage
PESA Staff
Abstract: EPA Report Finds WA Pays Environmental Cost for Resources Boom
PESA Staff
Abstract: The Possibilities of Thorium
PESA Staff
Abstract: Clean Coal Project Declared 'Significant'
PESA Staff
Abstract: Cheal Complete and Producing
PESA Staff
Abstract: AWE Explores Taranaki Basin with Mitsui
PESA Staff
Abstract: Greymouth Petroleum Joins Great South Basin Quest
PESA Staff
Abstract: New Zealand Issues First CBM Permit
PESA Staff
Abstract: NZ Emissions Trading Scheme Threatens Oil and Gas Industry: PEPANZ
PESA Staff
Abstract: NZOG Posts Surplus
PESA Staff
Abstract: Maari Development on Track
PESA Staff
Oil Junior Traget Hits the US for Success
PESA Staff
First Look at Seismic Data from a Towed Dual-Sensor Streamer
Andrew Long, Natasha Hendrick, Rune Tenghamn
Whale Strandings and Seismic in Tasmanian Waters — Is There a Correlation?
Chris Boron, Clive Calver
Abstract: Blue Energy Begins CBM Seismic Survey in Queensland
PESA Staff
Abstract: Cougar Pounces on Queensland's UCG Potential
PESA Staff
Abstract: Innamincka Pipeline Planned for Oil Discovery
PESA Staff
Abstract: Industry Knowledge Needed to Shape Australia's Fledgling Geothermal Sector
PESA Staff
Abstract: Origin Invests A$96 Million in Geodynamics
PESA Staff
Abstract: JV Wins Cooper-Eromanga Basin Block
PESA Staff
Abstract: Central Awarded More Permits
PESA Staff
Abstract: Nexus Granted Longtom Production Licence
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Australia Joins the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Summit Held for Dwindling Enrolments in Geoscience
PESA Staff
Abstract: New Australian Geothermal Energy Association to Lead Industry
PESA Staff
Abstract: CETO Wave Power Technology Secures REDI Grant
PESA Staff
Abstract: Geothermal Technology Development Brings and Together RMIT, Lakes Oil and Victoria Petroleum
PESA Staff
Abstract: Free Software and Database Acess to Australian Well Information
PESA Staff
Abstract: Cheal's Teething Problems
PESA Staff
Abstract: Praise for New Zealand's Plan for Emmissions Trading
PESA Staff
Abstract: Tui's First Environmental Hiccup
PESA Staff
Abstract: Grande Energy Awarded Offshore West Coast Basin Permit
PESA Staff
Abstract: Ensco 107 Arrives to Drill Kupe Gas and Maari Oil Fields
PESA Staff