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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

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Karoon Gas: In the Right Place at the Right Time

PESA Staff

New Zealand Oil & Gas Limited (NZOG) from Strength to Strength

PESA Staff

New Zealand Energy: Security in Diversity

PESA Staff

Climate Change, Emissions Trading and 'Renewable Preference'

Elisabeth Welson, Dave Trueman

Question Time

David Parker, Harry Duynhoven

Extended Abstract: Deep Water New Zealand: Vast Oil and Gas Potential

Chris Uruski

Abstract: Origin and Contact Make a Swift Move

PESA Staff

Abstract: Onshore Taranaki Basin Blocks on Offer

PESA Staff

Abstract: Apache Proposes VIC-P42 Farmin Well

PESA Staff

Abstract: APIA Warns on Renewable Energy Target

PESA Staff

Abstract: AGL and QGC to Develop SE QLD Gas Pipeline

PESA Staff

Abstract: Great Artesian Study on CryoCell• Plant

PESA Staff

Abstract: State and Federal Collaborative Project Initiative

PESA Staff

Abstract: Broome Power Station Fully Operational

PESA Staff

Abstract: BAS Reviews Windermere

PESA Staff

Abstract: BHP Billiton's Stybarrow Project Exceeding Forecasts

PESA Staff

Abstract: Gas Lobby Pressure for Idle Field Action

PESA Staff

Abstract: AWE Hits Record Production and Revenue

PESA Staff

Abstract: Sydney Gas Signs Agreement with AJ Lucas

PESA Staff

Abstract: Excellent Early Results from Torrens Geothermal Project

PESA Staff

Climate Stratigraphy — A New Method of Subsurface Correlation: with examples from the Late Triassic of the northern Carnarvon Basin

S. Djin Nio, Mat De Jong, Alain Böhm

Nexus: Big Thing

PESA Staff

Oil Search: Running on Gas

PESA Staff

APPEA 2008 the future of Australian Oil and Gas

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: When the River Runs Dry?

PESA Staff

Opportunities and Challenges

PESA Staff

Abstract: Departing Flint Sparks Santos Search, Knox on Door for Now

PESA Staff

Abstract: Maxwell Drummond International Acquires Petro-People Australia

Karina Chapman

Abstract: Chevron Announces Plans for Wheatstone LNG Development

PESA Staff

Abstract: Shell Deals Point to Gas Focus

PESA Staff

Abstract: CSIRO and Petronas in Research Deal

PESA Staff

Abstract: MBA Forms New Division

PESA Staff

Abstract: Petratherm Sees Sun-Rock Synergy

PESA Staff

Abstract: Cash Boost for Altona's SA CTL Project

PESA Staff

Abstract: Arrow, ERM Form Braemar 2 Power Station Partnership

PESA Staff

Abstract: Government Welcomes Woodside's Taiwan LNG Deal

PESA Staff

Abstract: Maret Islands Still an Option: Garrett

PESA Staff

Abstract: Ferguson Stresses Energy Security, Climate Change Priority

PESA Staff

Abstract: Eden Reveals Corporate Restructuring Plans

PESA Staff

Abstract: PCP and C@ Join Forces to Sink Carbon

PESA Staff

Geoscience Information Research Project: Access to Australian Geoscientific Information – a Tragedy of the Commons?

Kerry Smith

Abstract: Reserve Upgrade for Maari Field

PESA Staff

Abstract: Widespread Energy Granted NZ Prospecting Permit

PESA Staff

Hydrothermal Dolomite (HTD) Reservoirs — a New Australian Carbonate Play

Iain Copp

Extended Abstract: Where will the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers Come From?

Mark Butler

Extended Abstract: Earth Science WA Ministerial Launch

PESA Staff

Finding Sydney the Final Battle

PESA Staff

MEO Australia: Making Methanol and LNG Work

PESA Staff

Abstract: Woodside Stays Strong

PESA Staff

Abstract: $7.5 Million Boost to Australia's Groundwater Management

PESA Staff

Abstract: Empire's Bite of the Apple Isle to be Drilled

PESA Staff

Abstract: WA to Host Tight Gas Workshop

PESA Staff

Abstract: Back in the USSR: Petrosys and Fugro's Soviet Assault

PESA Staff

Abstract: Santos Dodges Takeover Talk

PESA Staff

Abstract: BHP Ramps up Petroleum Focus

PESA Staff

Abstract: Orion Confirms Bowen Strike

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: Origin Snubs BG Offer

PESA Staff

Abstract: Majors Rush to Queensland Gas Projects

PESA Staff

Abstract: ABARE Disputes Peak Oil

PESA Staff

Abstract: Contact's Commitment to Renewables Peaking

PESA Staff

Abstract: Tui Oil Field Reserves Estimates Raised

PESA Staff

Abstract: Petratherm's Spanish Inquisition Heats up

PESA Staff

Abstract: Fourth Wind Farm for AGL at Hallet

PESA Staff

Abstract: First Geothermal Permit Issued in Queensland

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: Exploration Opportunity in the Otway Basin, South Australia

P.J. Boult, E. M. Alexander

Extended Abstract: 2008 Release of Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: Offshore Permits Awarded

PESA Staff

Abstract: The Teacher Earth Science Education Programme (TESEP) Announces "The Challenging Earth"

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: All Gassed up — Australia's Fuel of the Future?

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: Cutting Carbon Emissions – Some Implications

John Reynolds

Abstract: Primary School Class Visits the Willaroo-1 Wellsite

PESA Staff

Shell Backs Arrow for Regional Expansion

PESA Staff

Ophir: Rising Star in the Energy Powerhouse of the 21st Century

PESA Staff

Global Offshore Drilling Industry Set for 50% Growth

PESA Staff

Gas Supply Interuptions Prompt Major Review

PESA Staff

Abstract: Linc Announces UCG Progress

PESA Staff

Abstract: AWE Announces Record Revenue

PESA Staff

Abstract: South Australian Petroleum Act Amendment Bill

PESA Staff

Abstract: Nimblefoot-1 Strikes Gas

PESA Staff

Abstract: Australian Energy Major, TRUenergy, Announces $57 MM Entry into Petratherm Geothermal Project

PESA Staff

Abstract: Bass Strait Project Given the Green Light

PESA Staff

Abstract: Tasman Drills Promising Shale Oil Deposit in SA

PESA Staff

Geodynamics: The Politics of the Push for Renewable Energy

PESA Staff

Abstract: Record 42 Wells Drilled in 2007 as NZ Exploration Activity Expands

PESA Staff

Abstract: Origin Commits to Drill in Permit PEP38262, Offshore Canterbury Basin, New Zealand

PESA Staff

Abstract: GulfX Raises Funds for Syngas

PESA Staff

Abstract: FuturGas Project to Focus on CTL

PESA Staff

Abstract: Hot Rocks Thaw Eurøskeptics

Gareth Cooper

Enough to Make Munch Scream!

Gareth Cooper

Abstract: Cooper Basin Milestone Reached

Elinor Alexander

Abstract: PESA Seeking to Do More in Tasmania

Chris Boron, Kevin Lanigan

Abstract: Energy in Tasmania

Chris Boron, Ashley McQueen, Carol Bacon, Olive Calver

Abstract: Geothermal Exploration – Risks, Myths and Facts

Gareth Cooper

Abstract: Rudd Announces Plan for Carbon Institute

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: LNG Producers Plead for a Fair Deal as Carbon Plan Threatens to Double LNG Costs

PESA Staff

Abstract: Crux Blow

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: Workshop Identifies Tight Gas Opportunities

PESA Staff

Abstract: Caltex Slams Emmissions Trading

PESA Staff

Abstract: Gorgon Moves on with Clough Deal

PESA Staff

Abstract: ROC Takes Nexus' Anzon Stake

PESA Staff

Abstract: Exmouth West 2D Survey Complete

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: Otto Set for Further Exploration and Development

PESA Staff

Sun Rising

PESA Staff

EnergyQuest: Knowledge is Power

PESA Staff

Assessing Wave Energy Resources: An Overview of New Zealand

David Johnson

Abstract: New Zealand Oil & Gas Profit Surges on Tui Production

PESA Staff

Abstract: New Zealand Awards Oil, Gas Exploration Permits

PESA Staff

Abstract: NZ's New Continental Shelf Rights Adds 42% to Offshore Exploration Estate

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: The Challenging Earth Professional Development Series: Teacher Earth Science Education Programme - PD1 'Round and Round with Rocks'

PESA Staff

Tertiary Geoscience Education – What are the Big Issues and What are the Solutions?

Trevor Powell, Mike Smith

Abstract: EABSIII Programme for School Students and Teachers

PESA Staff

A Rallying Cry for Geoscience in Australia

Jim Ross

Abstract: Beach Resumes Peejay-1

PESA Staff

Abstract: Santos Eyes Power Generation to Speed Gas Development

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: Strong Players Tipped to Weather Financial Storm

PESA Staff

Abstract: AWE Draws Wide Revenue ARC

PESA Staff

Abstract: Blue Strikes Galilee Basin Gas

PESA Staff

Abstract: Cooper Set for New Callawonga Pair

PESA Staff

Abstract: High Price Makes Rich Mosaic

PESA Staff

Abstract: Arrow Scores Bullseye With Fifth CSG project

PESA Staff

Abstract: Terrex Snares $2.5 MM Meridian Seismic Contract

PESA Staff

Abstract: Warrior Falls Offshore WA

PESA Staff

Abstract: AGL Sells PNG Oil and Gas Assets

PESA Staff

Abstract: Beach Boasts Record Revenue

PESA Staff

Abstract: Libra-1 Spuds for Nexus, Shell

PESA Staff

Abstract: Nexus Grasps for Liquidity, 'May Consider Full Sale of Company'

PESA Staff

Abstract: Beach's Brownlow-1 Has Production Potential

PESA Staff

Abstract: Oil Search Flows Slip on Asset Sale

PESA Staff

Abstract: Origin Opens Cash Tap

PESA Staff

Abstract: Tigershark-1 Proves Toothless

PESA Staff

Abstract: Oil Basins Cans Canning Action

PESA Staff

Abstract: Spotlight on Fugro-Geoteam's Vessels

PESA Staff

Abstract: MEO to go it Alone With Zeus-1

PESA Staff

Abstract: Financial Crisis will Not Delay Climate Change Action

PESA Staff

Abstract: Puffin-11 a Producer, Sinopec Sinks Puffin-12 Bit

PESA Staff

Abstract: Beach Buys into Egypt

PESA Staff

Abstract: Nexus Browsing Northwest Basin Farm-Out

PESA Staff

Australia's Global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Initiative

PESA Staff

Shell CEO Stresses Interdependence and Co-operation

Jeroen van der Veer

Abstract: Carbon Team to Hunt Storage Sites

PESA Staff

Finder: Focus on Exploration

PESA Staff

Government Pushes Ahead with ETS

PESA Staff

Abstract: NZOG Joins Canterbury Basin Venture

PESA Staff

Abstract: NZOG Strikes Kupe LPG Deal

PESA Staff

Abstract: Awakino South-1 First for STP Energy

PESA Staff

Abstract: Weather Delays Maari Development Drilling

PESA Staff

Abstract: New Interactive Geothermal Tenement Map

PESA Staff

Extended Abstract: The Heat Exchanger – An Update on Developments in the Australian and International Geothermal Scene

Gareth Cooper

4D Pulsing Earth Versus 2D Plate Tectonics

John K. Davidson

The Australian Economy and Performance of the Sharemarket

Noll Moriarty