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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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4D Seismic Monitoring of Gas Production and CO2 Sequestration, North West Australia
David Lumley
Monitoring of CO2 Injection—Using Seismic Methods at the CO2CRC Otway Project
Prospect Identification Using AVO Inversion and Lithology Prediction
Brad Bailey, Frazer Barclay, Robert Nesbit, Andrea Paxton
Abstract: Copenhagen Summary
PESA Staff
Abstract: Northern Territory Overview
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Northern Territory Projects
PESA Staff
Abstract: The Heat Exchanger: An Update on Developments in the Australian and International Geothermal Scene
Gareth Cooper
Gassing Around: Overlapping Tenure in Queensland
Wal Muir
Enovation Embarks on Australian Survey
PESA Staff
Abstract: Carngegie Project Opened
PESA Staff
Abstract: Indonesia Set for LNG Expansion
PESA Staff
Abstract: SeaBird Sets Sail
PESA Staff
Abstract: Reigna Block Offer
PESA Staff
Abstract: NZOG Awarded New Permit
PESA Staff
Slopes—Part 1 of 2
Rob Kirk
Defining the Danger Down Under
Peter Micciche, ConocoPhillips LNG Expert
PESA Staff
Jane Cutler, NOPSA CEO
PESA Staff
New Opportunities for Offshore Petroleum Exploration: 2010 Acreage Release Offers Blocks in Producing Regions and in Frontier Areas
Thomas Bernecker
Abstract: IBM to Open NRSC
PESA Staff
Abstract: Geokinetics Appoints Paul Hummel
PESA Staff
Abstract: TGS Seeks Further Asia Pacific Growth
PESA Staff
Cooper Banking on Success
Michael Scott
The Pressure Beneath
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Mitigation of Marine Invasive Species in Seismic Ships' Ballast Water
Phil Fontana
Basin Floor Fans—Part 2 of 4
Rob Kirk
Abstract: Facies Modelling with GeoSyntax
June Hill
Extended Abstract: Coal Seam Gas Issues—Water Handling
Wal Muir
From Petroleum 'Failures' to Geothermal 'Successes'?
Gareth Cooper
Extended Abstract: The Heat Exchanger: An update on Developments in the Australian and International Geothermal Scene
Gareth Cooper
Extended Abstract: European Feed-In Tariffs Drive Exploration Boom
Gareth Cooper
Issues Regarding Service Contract Liability for Australian Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in Light of the Deepwater Horizon Incident
Andrew Thompson, Stephanie Rowland
Seismic Inversion
Michel Kemper
New Exploration Opportunities on the Southwest Australian Margin—Deep-Water Frontier Mentelle Basin
I. Borissova, B. E. Bradshaw, C. J. Nicholson, H. I. M. Struckmeyer, D. Payne
Manage Risk with Breakthrough Seismic Acquisition Technology: The GeoStreamer Story Continues New Reservoir Opportunities Revealed
Cyrille Reiser, Folke Engelmark
Gaining Insight into Formation Anisotropy Using Full Azimuth Imaging and Analysis Tools
Duane Dopkin, Anat Canning, Philip Neri
How Poor Temperature Modelling Can Burn a Hole in Your Pocket
Gareth Cooper
Extended Abstract: Geokinetics Looks to the Australian Land Market
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: FAR Ahead of the Game in West Africa
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Elixir's in the Mix
PESA Staff
Basin Floor Fans—Part 3 of 4
Rob Kirk
Greening Coal Seam Gas (CSG) through Geothermal Synergies: Using Co-Produced Water for Renewable Energy Production
Luke Mortimer, Gareth Cooper
Abstract: An Update on Developments in the Australian and International Geothermal Scene
Gareth Cooper
Climate Change: Prosecuting the Case to the Right Jury
Gareth Cooper
Abstract: Geological Community Arm-Waving on Climate Change
Cedric Griffiths
Terrex Makes Strategic Moves
PESA Staff
Abstract: STAG Leaps into Australasia
PESA Staff
Key Petroleum's First Australian Venture
PESA Staff
Abstract: State of the Industry 2010
PESA Staff
Abstract: SA Societies Donate to RFDS
Simon Brealey
Extended Abstract: Seismic Inversion: A Recipe for Predicting Reservoir Properties
PESA Staff
Researching Seismic Sound Effects on Humpbacks
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Seismic Interference Attenuation
Johan-Fredrik Synnevåg, Arne Åsnes
Extended Abstract: Challenges in an Unconventional Reservoir
ION Reservoir Solutions
Integrated Work-Flow for Reservoir Characterisation
Nguyen Nam
The Digital Oil Field of Tomorrow
PESA Staff
RokDoc's• Role in Facilitating Innovation in Exploration and Production
PESA Staff
Basin Floor Fans—Part 4 of 4
Rob Kirk
Abstract: The Heat Exchanger: An Update on Developments in the Australian and International Geothermal Scene
Gareth Cooper
Murray Howard Johnstone 1928–2010
Phillip Playford