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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 2, Issue 6B; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke
Method of Luminescent Microscopy in the Study of Bituminous Rocks
G. P. Kolpenskii
Use of the Method of the Carbon Coefficient in Forecasting Oil-Bearing Capability
V. S. Vyshemirskii
The Oil Output of Strata
M. T. Zoloev
Separation and Classification of Oil-Bearing Strata in the Minnibaev Area
B. S. Svishchev, I. F. Militko
Hypsometry of the Basement of the Dnieper - Donets Depression
R. I. Andreeva, M. V. Chirvinskaia
Question of Preparing Oil Reserves
S. N. Shangin, V. P. Onoprienko, G. V. Kliarovskii
Preservation of Oil-Saturated Cores
S. P. Mushenko