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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 2, Issue 8B; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke
Gaseous Hydrocarbons in Contemporaneous Sediments
V. V. Veber, N. M. Turkeltaub
Analysis of the Development of Productive Horizon DI in the Minnibaev and Abdrakhmanov Areas
Iu. K. Kulchitskaia, A. T. Gorbunov, M. I. Korol
Problem of Sub-Surface Development of Off-Shore Oil Fields
V. S. Melik-Pashaev
Method of Paleotectonic Analysis
T. V. Shvarts, A. Ia. Gavrilov, L. Ia. Shvarts
Geophysical Methods of Study of Reservoir Properties of Rocks
V. N. Dakhnov
New Data on the Tectonics of the North of the Bukharo-Khivin Oil-Gas Province
B. M. Geyman, N. S. Kokina