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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 6, Issue 1; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Resume of Geological Exploration for Oil and Gas in the USSR for 1961 and Tasks for 1962
P. I. Levitskiy
Some Regularities in the Formation of Oil and Gas Fields in the Southern Regions of the Volga-Ural District
S. P. Maksimov
Thermodynamic Basis for Regularity in the Distribution of Oil and Gas Fields
M. A. Lipovskiy
Study of Regularities in the Distribution of Oil and Gas Fields
N. A. Kudryavtsev
Carboniferous and Devonian Sediments of the Northwest Part of the Bol’shekinel Swell
M. V. Makarenko, P. Ye. Pchelintsev
Geology of the Southeast Part of the Dnieper-Donets Depression
V. A. Gordiyevich, I. V. Sanarov
Tectonics of the Miocene Sediments of the Central Cis-Caucasus
Ye. M. Borisenko
Character of the Relationship Between Permeability and the Total and Dynamic Porosity of Rocks
M. Sh. Pernikov
Some Results of Experimental Work on Increasing the Depth of Investigation of Seismic Reflection Surveying in the West Kuban Downwarp
Ye. A. Kozlov
Prediction of the Character of Pools According to Gas Logging Data
Yu. M. Yurovskiy
Principles of an Efficient Method of Opening and Testing of Strata During Drilling of Prospecting Wells
G. S. Gazyan
Short Survey of the Sedimentary Basins of Hungary from the Viewpoint of Petroleum Geology
D. Kertai