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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 10, Issue 4; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Prospects for Discovery of Large Gas Fields in the Salt-Dome Regions Between the Volga and Ural Rivers
V. L. Sokolov, G. N. Krichevskiy
First Results of Drilling the Aral-Sor Experimental Well in the Peri-Caspian Depression
M. M. Charygin, Yu. M. Vasil’yev, B. A. Filipchuk, A. G. Shleyfer, K. A. Li, B. K. Proshiyakov, M. I. Bogacheva, V. I. Paramonov, N. B. Gibshman
Genetic Types of Salt Structures in the Peri-Caspian Depression and Their Oil-Gas Prospects
A. A. Golov, B. A. Solov’yev
A Particular Type of Buried Uplift
Ye. V. Kucheruk, F. A. Silonov
Geostructure of the Sub-Salt Foundation in the Border Zone of the Peri-Caspian Depression (Saratov Area)
M. B. Ezdrim, A. Ye. Ateyev
Main Results of Geophysical Investigations in the Timano-Pechora Oil-Gas Province and Future Prospects
A. Ya. Krems, I. I. Belovol, A. K. Voytovich, N. D. Matviyevskaya
Paleostructure of the Epi-Hercynian Platform of Central Asia for the End of the Jurassic Period
G. Kb. Dikenshteyn, I. N. Shebuyeva, N. I. Koshelev
Genesis and Distribution of the Buguntin Sandstone in Connection with Exploration for Stratigraphic Oil and Gas Pools in the Stavropol Area
B. G. Sokratov
Level of Heat Flow in the Western Part of the Tersko-Kuma Depression
G. M. Sukharev, S. P. Vlasova
Some Regularities in the Process of Metamorphism of Subsurface Waters of Mesozoic Sediments of the Cis-Caucasus
G. P. Volobuyev
Exploration of Upper Permian and Triassic Sediments in Northern Peri-Caspia.
S. K. Karymsakov