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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 10, Issue 9; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Oil-Gas Prospects and Direction of Geological Exploration in Mangyshlak and UST-URT
N. K. Trifonov, I. G. Grinberg, A. I. Dimakov
Geology and Oil-Gas Prospects of the North and East Kara-Bogaz Area Based on Seismic Data
A. U. Zakhidov
Tectonics and Oil-Gas Prospects of the Soviet Part of the Afghano-Tadzhik Depression
Ye. V. Lebzin
Features of the Oil and Gas Fields of South Mangyshlak
V. Ye. Aronson, A. K. Makhonin
Tectonics and Gas Productivity of the Ayakkumsko-UST-URT Zone of UPLIFTS
Z. Ye. Bulekbayev, R. G. Garetskiy, I. B. Dal’yan, I. Torekhanov, V. Ya. Tsarev, A. Ye. Shlezinger
Adamtash Gas Condensate Field and Prospects for Gas Exploration in the Southwest Spurs of the Gissar
S. V. Yekshibarov, A. M. Khutorov
New Data on the Subsurface Geologic Structure of the Eastern Part of the Issyk-kul Intermontane Basin*
F. N. Yudakhin
Upper Jurassic Sediments of the Sultansandzhar Swell and their Oil Potential
Yu. N. Khoroshilov
Presence of the Indus Stage in the Stratigraphic Section of Mangyshlak
V. N. Vinyukov
Mineralogical and Physical-Chemical Features of the Clay Covers Above the Pay Zones of the Bukhara-Khiva Region
Ye. A. Shabayeva, V. V. Chulkova
Oil-Gas Formation in the South Caspian Basin
A. A. Geodekyan