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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

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Petroleum Geology, Volume 15 Issue 1; Frontmatter

James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington

Oil-Gas Prospects of the offshore Continuation of the Beke-Bashkuduk Swell

E. N. Alikhanov, Z. A. Buniat-Zade, K. I. Goberman, T. P. Guseynov, Yu. B. Galant

Results of a Geothermal Survey on the Shelf of the Northwest Part of the Black Sea

V. G. Solotarev, V. L Artemenko

New Concepts as to the Character of the Pinchout of the Jurassic Sandstones on the Dagestan Plain

M. I. Israpilov, F. P. Kolchev, A. S. Perekhoda

Possible Zones of Oil-Gas Accumulation in the Western Part of the Peri-Caspian Depression

G. M. Avanis’yan, A. I. Sarycheva, N. V. Prilipko

Exploration for Devonian Uplifts in the South Orenburg Region

Ye. I. Denisenkova

Zones of Pinchout of Cretaceous Sediments in North Ust-Urt

V. A. Dolitskiy, I. V. Dolitskaya

Structure and Oil-Gas Productivity of the Triassic Sediments of South Mangyshlak

Yu. K. Yuferov, S. S. Yedrenkin, A. A. Demidov, N. K. Gromova

Oil-Gas Prospects of the Southeast Part of North Sakhalin

A. S. Vladimirov, V. V. Kharakhinov, V. E. Kononov

Methods for Increasing Effectiveness of Geological Exploration in the Northwest Caucasus

V. M. Pererva, I. A. Kondrat’yev

Exploration Techniques for the East Kuban Depression and Its Northern Frame

R. A. Pogosov

Geology and Oil-Gas Prospects of the Cretaceous Sediments of the Taman Peninsula and Southern Part of the Sea of Azov

F. K. Baydov, A. I. D’yakonov, V. I. Korneyev, V. L. Kripinevich, S. F. Sidorenko

Direction of Exploration in the Volynopodolin Area and Prospects for Discovery of Pools of Hydrocarbons

V. V. Glushko, Ya. M. Sandler, V. D. Skorduli, A. V. Khizhnyakov, V. A. Kotyk, R. T. Trushkevich, V. I. Yushkevich, V. N. Boyko, M. D. Buderkevich

Types of Oils and Condensates and their Distribution in the Dnieper-Donets Depression

I. A. Korchinskaya, R. M. Novosiletskiy

Methods of Predicting Buried Small-Closure Uplifts of the Dnieper-Donets Depression

V. P. Lebed, A. F. Shevchenko

Geology and Oil Prospects of the Supra-Salt Sediments of Devonian and Carboniferous Age of the Pripyat Downwarp

V. M. Salazhev, V. F. Kartashev, V. A. Moskvich, I. Ye. Kotel’nikov

Hydrogeological Premises for Oil and Gas in the Devonian Sediments of the Southeast Part of the Pripyat Depression

V. G. Gerasimov, V. G. Zhoglo

Generation of Hydrocarbon Gases in Modern Sedimentary and Volcanic-Sedimentary Deposits of the Eastern and Southern Parts of the Atlantic Ocean

V. V. Veber, M. L. Sazonov, S. N. Morozova, D. Ye. Gershanovich, I. P. Zarikhin, V. I. Chernov

Genesis of the Carbonate Reservoirs of the Zolotukhin Field

G. V. Bogomolov, A. A. Pakhol’chuk, P. B. Tsalko

Nature of the Distribution of Naphthenic Acids in Oils of Fields of the Lower Kura Depression

A. S. Gadzhi-Kasumov, R. A. Dzhavadova, Sh. Ye. Alimuradov

Geology and Oil Productivity of Staryy Sambor Field in the Cis - Carpathians

I. V. Leskiv