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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 16 Issue 11; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Petroleum Geology, Volume 17, Issue 11; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Proving the Potential Oil Reserves of the Siberian Platform
E. M. Khalimov, R. O. Khachatryan
Oil Prospects of the North of the Vilyuy Synclize
B. A. Sololov, L. M. Izrailev, V. I. Gorbachev
Luminescence-Microscopic Investigation of Bituminous Rocks of the Bazhenov Formation of the Pravdin Field (West Siberia)
R. A. Abdullin, A. R. Belikova
Effect of the Host Medium on Properties of Oils
A. G. Gabrielyan, L. A. Klimova
Information Content of Geochemical Indexes in Estimating Oil-Gas Productivity of Exploration Areas of the Ufa Plateau
A. A. Oborin, V. I. Galkin, I. G. Kalachnikova, B. A. Bachurin
Zonality in the Distribution of Hydrocarbons in the Vilyuy Synclize and Priverkhoyansk Downwarp
A. V. Shashin, Yu. V. Samsonov
Problem of Exploration for Non-Anticlinal Pools of Hydrocarbons in Lower Carboniferous Sediments of the Dnieper-Donets Depression
Ya. G. Lazaruk
Possibility for Increasing Effectiveness of Exploration of Zones Around Salt Domes
V. I. Zil’berman, A. M. Paliy, A. M. Chernyakov
Final Outlining of Pools in Eifelian Sediments of the Pashnin Field
V. A. Turanov, S. D. Podoprigorin, V. A. Mikhalev, N. A. Lykov
Achievements of Uzbekistan Oil-Gas Explorationists
M. N. Urumov
Way of Increasing Effectiveness of Exploration in Siberia and the North of European USSR
A. V. Ovcharenko, V. V. Mukhin, E. A. Yengalychev, V. I. Nazarov
Characteristics of Fracture Reservoirs of Oil Fields of the Rechitsko-Vishan Zone
A. N. Berezayev, M. F. Kibash, A. I. Filippov
Method of Predicting the Number and Dimensions of Anticlines Favorable for Oil and Gas
N. Ya. Kunin, T. B. Krasnil’nikova
Distribution of Oil Pools in Lower Permian Carbonate Sediments of the Perm Kama Region and Directions of Further Exploration
Yu. N. Bryukhanov, Ye. I. Bolotov, A. I. Orlov
Characteristics of Reservoirs of the Kotov Reef
A. M. Berestetskaya
Main Causes of Geothermal Anomalies Above Oil-Gas Fields
N. V. Parfenenko
Characteristics of the Oil Pools in the Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Rocks of the Kuma Oil Region
A. G. Likov, G. N. Chepak, V. M. Shaposhnikov
Characteristics of the Middle Devonian Oil Pools of the Usin and South Part of the Vozey Fields
M. A. Gruzdeva, V. Ye. Leshchenko, M. M. Veligzhaninova
New Structures in the Karakul Downwarp
I. P. Sokolov, N. A. Zelenin
Depth Zonality of Formation and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons in Mesozoic Sediments of the Eastern Cis-Caucasus
A. S. Perekhoda
Methodological Fundamentals and Methods of Study of the Geology and Oil-Gas Potential of the World Ocean
E. F. D’yakov
Some Problems of Geologic-Economic Regionalization of Oil-Gas Regions in Planning Exploration
G. A. Aleksin
Pre-Devonian Sediments of the Cis-Urals - New Target for Oil and Gas Exploration
K. S. Yarullin, V. A. Romanov, I. A. Tagirov
Comparative Characteristics of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic Oils of Some West Siberia Fields
V. K. Shimanskiy, V. F. Vasil’yeva, V. V. Ivantsov
Use of Gravity and Electrical Surveying to Study the Geology of the Border Zones of the Kamsko-Kinel System of Troughs
V. P. Stepanov, V. I. Bogatov
Heat Field and its Effect on Physical-Chemical Properties of Oils of the Kuybyshev Area on the Volga
S. I. Sergiyenko, A. P. Vysotskaya
Experience in the Combined Use of Aerial and Cosmic Photographs in Exploration for Local Highs
V. F. Mokiyenko, P. V. Medvedev, I. V. Oskolkov
Litho-Stratigraphic Complexes of the Sub-Salt Sediments of the Southwest Part of the Peri-Caspian Depression
A. Ya. Brodskiy, I. A. Mitalev
Determination of Attitude of Beds in Drill Holes by Inclinometer
T. Rokosh
Subsurface Waters of the Crystalline Basement of the Tatar Arch
B. V. Anisimov, K. N. Doronkin, I. Kh. Kaveyev, N. G. Abdullin, Ye. A. Bars, N. A. Plotnikov
Relationship of Specific Surface of Rocks to their Reservoir Properties in the Orenburg Field
Z. I. Kozlovtseva, S. V. Bogush
Principles of Oil-Geologic Subdivision of a Section on a Genetic Basis
B. P. Kabyshev
Physical-Mechanical Properties of Bituminous Sandstones of Tataria
R. G. Gazizullin, V. N. Napalkov, B. V. Uspenskiy