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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

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Petroleum Geology, Volume 16 Issue 3; Frontmatter

James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington

Petroleum Geology, Volume 17, Issue 3; Frontmatter

James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington

Exploration for Deep Oil and Gas Pools in the Tersko-Sunzhen Zone

V. I. Konovalov, V. F. Markov, G. S. Aladzhants

Oil-Gas Prospects of the Bakhmut and Kal’mius-Torets Trenches

M. A. Demidova, L. V. Kalamkarov, S. G. Ryabykhina

Effect of Degree of Drilling of an Area on Probability of Finding Non-Anticlinal Traps

V. I. Didura

Experience in the Use of Structural-Geomorphologic Studies in Oil and Gas Exploration of Silurian Reefs of the Lvov Depression

D. M. Ibragimov, N. G. Kalik, V. A. Kotyk, B. B. Zavolyanskiy, V. I. Yushkevich

Paleo-Structural Analysis of Local Structures

Ya. D. Nugmanov

Possibility of Determining Position of Margin of Field from Density of the Oil in Pools of the Cis-Carpathian Downwarp

V. I. Berlyavskiy

Completion of the Plan Ahead of Time for the Fourth Year of the Tenth Five Year Plan for Proving Reserves and Production of Oil and Gas

James W. Clarke

Distribution and Oil Prospects of the Frasnian-Famennian Carbonates of the East of the Russian Platform

A. V. Ovcharenko

Relationship between Productive Sediments and Properties of Oil of the Ostashkovich Field

M. F. Kibash

Gas Components of Paleozoic Rocks of the Timano-Pechora Province

G. I. Andreyev

Super Reservoirs of the Orenburg Gas-Condensate Field

I. P. Zhabrev, M. A. Politykina, Yu. V. Uchastkin

Geothermal Conditions in the Var’yegan and Kholmogor Oil Fields

V. N. Matviyenko, T. S. Pipa

Detailed Magnetotelluric Investigations in North Sakhalin

I. M. Al’perovich, V. M. Nikiforov, V. V. Kharakhimov

Geology and Reservoir Properties of Rocks of Deep Zones of the Dnieper-Donets Depression

S. M. Kazakova, V. Ya. Klimenko

Carbonate Reservoirs of the Bashkiro-Vizean of the Perm Kama Region

I. A. Bykova

Tectonic Criteria for Oil Productivity of Local Uplifts of the Pripyat Downwarp

R. E. Ayzberg, V. B. Okushko, T. N. Guzanova, V. I. Bagayeva

Fulfilling the Program of the Third Year of the Tenth Five Year Plan Ahead of Schedule

James W. Clarke

Further Oil and Gas Exploration in the Niyazbek-Karakchikum Region of North Tadzhikistan

Ye. V. Lebzin, V. B. Romov, A. K. Gayazova, V. A. Arutyunov

Non-Anticlinal and Low-Amplitude Traps in the Pri-Pyat Downwarp

A. M. Sinichka, S. V. Klushin

Prediction of Reservoirs and Exploration of Non-Anticlinal Traps in the West Cis-Caucasus Based on Seismic Surveying

V. I. Korneyev, V. L. Kripinevich, B. S. Gamov, B. M. Karasik

Prospects for Exploration for Lithologic-Stratigraphic Pools of Oil and Gas in the Perm-Kama Region

A. V. Kutukov

Exploration for Oil Pools in Structural-Lithologic Traps of the Albian-Aptian Complex of Northeast Cis-Caucasus

V. I. Poddayev

Deep Subsurface of the Shiryayevsko-Aksaray Area Based on Geological-Geophysical Data

K. V. Karalerov, V. S. Slavkin, P. A. Besprozvannyy

Prospects for Exploration for Non-Anticlinal Oil and Gas Pools in the Zone of the East Frame of the North Caucasus Marginal Massif

V. S. Kosarev, A. N. Markov

Oil-Gas Prospects of the Jurassic and Pre-Jurassic Sediments of the West of the Central Asiatic Platform

A. M. Akramkhodzhayev, M. F. Mirchink, V. A. Benenson, N. Ya. Kunin, A. I. Pilipenko

Hydrogeologic Conditions of Oil-Gas Productivity of the Tunguska Basin

T. N. Babintseva, V. K. Soshnikov, Ye. V. Stadnik, G. A. Yurin

Geologic Features of the Oil Pool of Stratum J1 in the Ur’yev and Potoch Areas in Connection with its Final Outlining

G. P. Myachnikova, G. S. Yasovich

Oil Productivity of Stratum J1 on the Southwest Flank of the Nizhne-Vartov Arch

A. P. Sokolovskiy, N. P. Deshchenya, S. F. Ramazanova

Tectonic Framework of the Ryn-Peskov Region on a Basis of Gravity Survey Data

I. N. Shcherbakova, Yu. S. Dezhanova, N. M. Kuvshinova, V. A. Shlyakhovskiy

Determination of Direction of Pinchout of Lithologic Traps Using Concretion Analysis at Early Stages of Outlining of Oil Fools in West Siberia

A. I. Sidorenkov, V. N. Vysotskiy

Distribution of Various Types of Clastic Reservoirs in the Western Cis-Caucasus Depending on Depth of Occurrence

Ye. M. Us, R. I. Pokhil

Recommendations for Final Outlining of Pools in Stratum BS10 of Fedorovo Field and the Surgut Area in the Light of New Data

Yu. V. Shchepetkin

Lower Limit of Reservoir Properties of the Productive Rocks of Horizon DI of Southeastern Tataria

T. Ye. Danilova, Ye. A. Yudintsev