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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 21 Issue 3; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Possible Oil-Gas Productivity of the Paleocene-Eocene Sediments of South Apsheron and Adjacent Offshore
G. P. Tamrazyan, M. M. Mustafayev
Modern Structure of the Indigiro-Vilyuy Basin
V. P. Gorbachev
Volga-Ural Bitumen Region
E. M. Khalimov
Timan-Pechora Bitumen Region
E. M. Khalimov
Peri-Caspian Bitumen Region
E. M. Khalimov
East Siberian Bitumen Deposits
E. M. Khalimov
Fergana Bitumen Region
E. M. Khalimov
New Oil-Gas Plays in the Peri-Caspian Depression
L. G. Kiryukhin
Structure of the Pools of the Sub-Salt Zhanazhol Field
O. S. Obryadchikov, A. A. Konstantinov, V. N. Kopytchenko
Method of Exploration Drilling in the Central Part of the Solikamsk Depression
Yu. N. Bryukhanov, V. V. Makalovskiy, I. V. Chernyshev
Prospects for Exploration for Oil and Gas Accumulations of the Non-Structural Type
V. N. Andreyev
Reservoirs of the Lower Visean-Tournaisian Oil-Gas Complex of the Northwest Part of the Dnieper-Donets Depression
V. A. Galchenko, M. G. Krivosheyeva, R. M. Nestor, N. G. Ral’chenko, G. A. Silich
Estimate of Oil-Gas Potential of Silez Zone of The-Carpathians
V. G. Dem’yanchuk, B. B. Zavolyanskiy, V. V. Kuzovenko, S. A. Makovskiy
Oil-Gas Potential of the Beregov Thrust Sheet of the Carpathians
M. M. Chayka, L. V. Grigorchak, A. M. Zhidenko
Oil and Gas Reserves of the Severo-Dolina Field
R. N. Zasadnyy