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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 21 Issue 4; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Basic Conditions for Formation of Oil and Gas Deposits in Different Regions of the World
V. F. Raaben
Gas Potential of Subsurface Hydrosphere of the Sedimentary Cover of the Earth in Connection with Oil and Gas Distribution
L. M. Zor’kin, Ye. V. Stadnik, G. A. Yurin
Intensity of Gas Formation and Primary Migration in the Formation of Gas Pools
V. I. Larin
Geochemical Criteria for Formation of Oil and Oil-Gas-Condensate Fields in the Example of the West Siberian Oil-Gas Province
M. Ya. Rudkevich, L. S. Ozeranskaya
Regularities in the Formation and Distribution of Catagenetically Sealed Pools of Oil and Gas by Area and Along the Section of Ancient Platforms
L. D. Vinogradov
Conditions of Formation of Oil Pools in Paleozoic Carbonate Sediments of Bashkiria
N. P. Yegorova, N. N. Lisovskiy
Conditions of Formation and Systematic Distribution of Oil and Gas Fields in Mangyshlak
A. A. Rabinovich, V. P. Palamar, V. I. Popkov
Main Causes for Predominance of Oil or Gas in the Sub-Salt Sediments of the Peri-Caspian Depression
L. G. Kiryukhin, V. V. Payrazyan, A. A. Razmyshlyayev, Yu. G. Takayev
Comparative Analysis of Conditions of Distribution and Formation of Hydrocarbon Pools in Oil-Gas Regions of Tadzhikistan
G. S. Volos, R. U. Kalomazov, V. S. Korobka, Yu. S. Yurtayev, Yu. A. Yakovets
Distribution of Hydrocarbon Pools along the Section and Areally in the Dagestan Sector of the Tersko-Caspian Downwarp and Characteristics of their Formation
D. A. Mirzoyev, V. M. Pirbudagov, Ye. M. Landa, F. G. Sharafutdinov
Paleotectonic and Geochemical Indicators of the Genesis and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons on the Arabian and Turan Platforms
V. I. Yermolkin, Ye. I. Sorokova, A. S. Filin
Some Aspects of Formation of the Gas-Condensate Fields of the Khapchagay Mega-Arch
V. Ye. Bakin, V. A. Marenin, Yu. I. Yakovlev
Main Conditions of Formation and Distribution of Oil and Gas Pools in the Ural-Volga Province
V. V. Popovin, Ye. S. Larskaya, M. I. Ostrovskiy, A. A. Zinov’yev
Principle of Differential Entrapment of Hydrocarbons in Oil-Gas Regions with Carbonate Rocks in the Example of the Pripyat Downwarp
A. I. Kononov, V. G. Drobysheva
Conditions of Formation of Kamsko-Kinel System of Downwarps with Zones of Oil-Gas Accumulation
M. I. Ostrovskiy, A. A. Zinov’yev, V. D. Averkin, V. F. Kleymenov, P. V. Tkachev
Prediction of Phase State of Hydrocarbons in Sub-Salt Plays of the Peri-Caspian Depression
V. V. Payrazyan, A. A. Razmyshlyayev