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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 21 Issue 5; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Assessment of the Oil-Gas Prospects of the Cis-Kopetdag Downwarp
R. I. Bykov, V. L. Shuster, M. A. Ashirmamedov, I. M. Stasenkov
Oil Prospects of Lower Cretaceous Sediments of the East Cis-Caucasus
V. F. Markov, A. I. Kopyl’tsov, M. G. Smoliy
Possible Zones of Oil-Gas Accumulation in Supra-Salt Complex of North Emba
K. Kh. Baki rov
Carbonate Complex of Rocks of the Eastern Part of the North Caspian Depression and its Frame
I. V. Dal’yan
Hydrocarbon Pools of the Astrakhan Field
O. K. Navrotskiy, D. L. Fedorov, I. N. Sidorov, G. P. Bylinkin
Conditions for Preservation of Pore-Type Reservoirs at Great Depths in Paleozoic Sediments of the Northeast of the Antipov-Shcherbakov Zone
V. A. Tsygankova
Mesozoic Sediments - An Oil-Gas Play in Southwest Turkmenia
K. V. Danchenko, E. L. Rozhkov
The Structure of the Salt-Anhydrite Complex of the Chardzhou Step and Determination of Effective Exploration Directions
T. I. Ubaykhodzhayev
Results and Prospects of Oil and Gas Exploration in the UkSSR
A. M. Paliy, V. G. Dem’yanchuk
Tectonic Lineaments in the Carpathian Region
R. V. Mal’skaya
Distribution of Sandy Material of the Vygod Formation
Z. V. Lyashevich, L. M. Kuz’mik, I. T. Shturmak
Conditions of Formation of Gas-Condensate Fields and Prediction of Content of Condensate at Depth in West Siberia
S. P. Maksimov, A. M. Brindzinskiy, G. A. Kramarenko, Yu. G. Takayev
Characteristics of the Micro-Element Composition of Gas Condensates in Connection with Problems of Hydrocarbon Migration
I. S. Starobinets, E. V. Kurganskaya
Genetic Affinity of Oils and Condensates of Mesozoic Sediments of Amu-Dar’Ya Regional Low
A. M. Smakhtina, V. P. Strogonov
Characteristics of Formation of the Gas Condensate Fields in the Chu-Sarysuy Regional Low
F. Ye. Sinitsyn, V. I. Starosel’skiy, G. P. Filip’yev
Characteristics of Natural Hydrocarbon Systems of Fields of the Southwest Regions of the Yakutsk ASSR
V. Ye. Bakin, Yu. I. Yakovlev