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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 21 Issue 6; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Determination of the Time of Formation of Gas Condensate Pools
V. V. Kushnirov
Genesis of the Oil Ring of Yaraktino Gas Condensate Field
B. A. Fuks, A. B. Fuks
Regularities in the Formation and Distribution of Gas Condensate Pools in the Lower Volga Region
V. I. Nikitina, V. V. Artem’yeva, Yc. M. Nyan’chuk, Ye. V. Karal’skaya
Oil-Gas Prospects of the Sevaberd Anticline
Yu. R. Kagramanov, I. B. Osipova, K. Kh. Armenakyan
Timan-Pechora Zone of Occurrence of Hydrogen Sulfide in Pools of Oil and Natural Gas
P. M. Lomako
Structural-Geomorphologic Analysis of Border Zones of Ancient Depressions in the Example of the Umetov-Liven Paleo-Depression
V. A. Molodozhenov
Distribution of Relict Hydrocarbons in Organic Matter of Cretaceous Sediments of the Momo-Zyryan Depression
V. T. Rabotnov, I. B. Kulibakina, N. D. Gulyayova, O. A. Aref’yev
Areal Distribution of Middle Pliocene Sediments
A. A. Narimanov, Sh. A. Azizova
Short Description of the Geology of the Southeast of the West Siberian Platform
A. N. Fomin
Disseminated Organic Matter of Pre-Jurassic Sediments of the Southeast Part of West Siberia
A. N. Fomin
Catagenesis of Disseminated Organic Matter of Pre-Jurassic Sediments of the Southeast of West Siberia
A. N. Fomin
Oil-Gas Potential of the Intermediate Tectonic Complex of the Southeast of the West Siberian Platform
A. N. Fomin
Use of Space Imagery for Study of North Caspian Oil-Gas Province
L. F. Volchegurskly, V. G. Pronin
Remote Sensing Data Used to Study Oil-Gas Potential of the West Siberia Province
L. I. Solov’yeva, G. S. Burlakova, N. S. Pososhkova
Comparative Analysis of Photo-Scan Space Imagery and the Structure of the Paleozoic in the Volga-Ural Oil-Gas Province
V. Ye. Savin