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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

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Petroleum Geology, Volume 37; Frontmatter

James Clarke

Structure and Oil-Gas Potential of Magadan Sedimentary Basin

O. A. Krovushkina

Gas Paleo-Volcanism in Baykal Region

V. P. Isayev

Stratigraphy of Sediments of Akchagyl and Apsheron in Foothills of Southeast Part of Lesser Caucasus

T. Ab. Gasanov, S. G. Alyyeva

Ontogenetic Oil Simlarities of Barrow Mega-Swell with Unique Alaskan Fields and the Highly Favorable Franz-Josef Anteklize in Barents Sea

K. N. Kravchenko

Some Structural Characteristics of Visean Erosional Cuts in Udmurtia

I. K. Shpilevaya, Ye. V. Trofimova, V. F. Furman, A. G. Istomin

Dynamics of Change in Level of Barents Sea in Mesozoic and Cenozoic

A. G. Korvatskiy

Degree of Gas Saturation of Subsurface Waters of Productive Unit of Jurassic Hydrogeologic Complex of Kharampur Mega-Swell

D. A. Novikov

Lithologic-Reservoir Properties and Oil-Gas Prospects of Kalin Formation of Apsheron Oil-Gas Region

K. N. Kagramanov

Tournaisian-Lower Visean Tectonic-Sedimentational Complex of Dnieper-Donets Aulacogen

A. Ye. Lukin, S. G. Bakarchuk, P. M. Korzhnev

Exploration of Devonian in North of North Caspian Depression

G. A. Gabrielyants, S. M. Kamalov, O. N. Marchenko, B. A. Solovyev, D. A. Astaf’yev, T. D. Ivanova, O. S. Obryadchikov, N. G. Podkorytov, V. A. Shaydak

Oil-Gas Potential of Clastic Complexes of Paleogene of Southeast of Russian Platform

Ye F. Akhlestina, V. V. Malyshev, A. V. Ivanov

Question of Disjunctive-Block Structure of Natural Reservoirs of West Siberian Oil-Gas Basin

V. S. Slavkin, N. S. Shik, A Yu. Saprykina

Seismo-Stratigraphic Features and Oil-Gas Potential of Shatskiy Swell (from Reinterpretation of Marine Seismic Data of Recent Years)

A. A. Pudovskiy, A. V. Khortov

Main Geological Premises for Oil and Gas Occurrence in the Arctic Seas of Russia

Ye. V. Sakharov

Structural-Geodynamic Criteria for Distribution of Possible Zones of Oil-Gas Accumulation in Mezen Sineklize

D. A. Astaf’yev, N. Yu. Alinova

Buzachi Peninsula - One of the Most Important Areas of Oil Production of West Kazakstan

D. N. Nukenov, S. A. Punanova, Ye. A. Nasonova

Question of Oil-Gas Prospects of Northern Regions of Barents-Kara Shelf (Franz-Viktor Trough)

Ye. P. Shkatov, A. G. Stark, N. V. Kachurina, V. M. Bezrokov, I. Yu. Vinokurov

Geodynamics of West Siberian Platform and Its Frame

V. F. Podurushin

Gas Prospects of Middle Jurassic Sediments on Russian Shelf of Barents Sea

Ye. V. Sakharov, A. V. Tolstikov

Possible Oil-Gas Basins of Armenia and Their Hydrocarbon Potential

G. A. Gabrielyani, K. A. Kleshev, V. S. Shein

Geological Conditions for Oil-Gas Occurrence in Sedimentary Cover of Siberian Craton

V. S. Starosel’tsev

Deep Subsurface of Deryugin Depression (Sea of Okhotsk)

A. G. Rodnikov, N. A. Sergeyeva, L. P. Zabarinskaya

Kurasiysk-Maruyam Complex of Neogene Sediments of South Sakhalin

V. P. Tuzov, L. I. Mitrofanova, R. V. Danchenko, V. P. Boldyreva

Prospects of Dnieper-Donets Depression for Gas of Central-Basin Type

Yu. B. Kobyshev

Geology and Oil-Gas Prospects of Zone of Junction of Donets Ridge and Karpinskiy Ridge

Ye. V. Movshovich, M. A. Khaikel, A. A. Zinov’yev, S. I. Filin

Facies -Tectonic Zonality of Subsurface of Yenisey-Khatanga Basin and Prospects for New Discoveries

V. V. Grebenyuk, T. A. Divina, L. A. Krol’

Non-Traditional Reservoirs and Traps of Maykop Sediments of East Cis-Caucasus - New Favorable Target for Oil and Gas Exploration

V. A. Agamov, D. A. Mirzoyev, F. G. Sharafutdinov, V. F. Sharafutdinov

Oil-Gas Prospects of Lower Devonian Sediments of South of Cis-Ural Downwarp and Adjacent Areas

M. A. Politykina, A. M. Tyurin

Geology and Seismo-Facies Analysis of Erosional Cuts in Tournaisian Limestones of Bashkortostan

V. Ye Tomilin

Seismo-Facies and Oil-Gas Potential of Upper Paleogene and Neogene-Quaternary Sediments of Russian Part of Black Sea

V. I. Golovinskiy, N. F. Kuznetsov, O. A. Ivanova, Ye. Khakhalev