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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Petroleum History Institute

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ABSTRACT: Impact of the Late Nineteenth Century Gas Boom on Delaware County, Indiana

Constantina Lyla Spath

ABSTRACT: Louisiana Natural Gas: A History of Production, Usage, and Losses

Mary L. Barrett

ABSTRACT: Oil 150: The Final Report

Melissa Mann

ABSTRACT: Seismic Reflection Method Made in Oklahoma

Roderick Perez

ABSTRACT: The Greatest Oil Well in History? The Story of Cerro Azul #4

Jon Blickwede, Josh Rosenfeld

ABSTRACT: The Relationship of Radiometric Surface Anomalies and Hydrocarbon Microseepage

Robert W. Olson

Columbia Farm of the Oil Creek Valley, Oil Creek State Park, Venago County, Pennsylvania: 150 Years of Petroleum History and Counting

Amy Randolph

The Development of the Italian Oil Industry in the Emilian Apennines

Francesco Gerali

The Drake Well and Unintended Consequences

William R. Brice

Early Commercialized Views of Spindletop, Texas and Jennings, Louisiana Oil Fields

Jeff A. Spencer

Earthen Pits in U.S. Petroleum Fields: A History of Nomenclature and Related Usage

Mary L. Barrett

Editorial and Meeting Report, Lafayette, Louisiana, April 29-May 1, 2010

William R. Brice

Fund-Raising Underway for Restoration of Drake Monument in Woodlawn Cemetary Titusville, Pennsylvania

Marilyn Black

George Bernard Reynolds: A Forgotten Pioneer of Oil Discoveries in Persia and Venezuela

Rasoul Sorkhabi

In the Boots of Guffey and Galey

Kathy J. Flaherty

Lester: Arkansas' First Oil Discovery (Almost)

Raymond P. Sorenson

Oil-Industry History Index, Volumes 1-10, (2000-2010)

William R. Brice

Oil 150: Commemorating 150 Years Since Drake Well

Melissa L. Mann

Oil Creek Valley, Pennsylvania Then & Now

John Harper

Recollections - A Legendary Well Shooter: Orson Lenard Hopkins (1906-1974)*

Jeffrey Pierson

A Tribute to Gerald M. Fiedman

Larry D. Woodfork

The Vinton (GED) Oil Field, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana

Jeff A. Spencer