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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum History Institute
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ABSTRACT: Asphalt Paving and Oil Refining Retorts Meet Mud Flood History
Ann Mauer
ABSTRACT: Dominion Government Petroleum Regulations and Their Impact On Oil Sands Development To 1930
Joyce Hunt
ABSTRACT: Dr. Abraham Gesner, FGS- Horse Trader, Government Agent, Physician, Scholar, Geologist and Father of the Petroleum Industry
Grant Wach
ABSTRACT: Hans Kugler & John Saunders and Their Influence On Trinidad Exploration and the Development of Biostratigraphy
Grant Wach, Michael Knappertsbusch, John Frampton
ABSTRACT: The History of Petroleum Exploration on the Scotian Margin and the Sable Field Development
David Brown, Professor Grant Wach
ABSTRACT: The Time Has Come . . .
Joyce Hunt
Advances in 19th Century Petroleum Chemistry by Some America Scientists
Harry N. Giles
Canada's Petroleum Industry History on Postage Stamps and Philatelic Covers
Jeff Spencer
Front Matter: Oil-Industry History, A publication of the Petroleum History Institute, Volume 20, Number 1, 2019
Petroleum History Institute
The History of the 5% Fund
Basil South
Memorial: Robert Henry Dott, Jr. (1929-2018)
Rasoul Sorkhabi
My First Well Sit In 1951
Robert H. Dott Jr. (Published posthumously)
Oil-Industry History Index, Volumes 1-19, (2000-2018)
William R. Brice
Petroleum History Institute Annual Meeting and Field Trip; Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, June 27-29, 2019
William R. Brice
Shales That Burn
Raymond P. Sorenson
University of Houston Libraries - Energy and Sustainability Research Collection
Christian Kelleher