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Petroleum History Institute
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Abstracts: Petroleum History Institute 2023 Oil History Symposium, New Harmony, Indiana, May 13, 2023
Petroleum History Institute
Black Americans’ Oil Industry Experiences and Black-Owned Oil Companies, 1903–1942
Mary L. Barrett
The First-Person Account of Walton Sumner: One Man’s Experiences in Petroleum Exploration, 1928–1939
Ginny Kilander
Front Matter: Oil-Industry History - A publication of the Petroleum History Institute, Volume 24 (2023)
Mary L. Barrett, Matthew R. Silverman, Maureen Leech
Gasoline from Water: Wouldn’t it be Wonderful?
Dan Plazak
Ignacy Lukasiewicz and Jan Zeh: Inventors, Entrepreneurs and Founders of the Mid-19th Century Polish Oil Industry
Klaus Koch, Piotr W. Gorski
Lasting Geological Legacy of the Owen-Maclure Community of New Harmony, Indiana: Preserved by the Working Men’s Institute and Robert Lee Blaffer Foundation
William S. Elliott Jr.
The Ohio Oil Company’s Early Years in the Illinois Basin (1903–1911)
Jeff Spencer
Petroleum Development and Urbanization in the Los Angeles Basin
Donald L. Gautier
Petroleum History Institute Annual Meeting and Field Trip; New Harmony, Indiana, May 11–13, 2023
William R. Brice
Petroleum Prospectivity in 1850s North America
Raymond P. Sorenson
Priority A-1-a: 100-Octane Aviation Fuel and the Erath Cycling Plant
Tonja Koob Marking
Vera and Elsa Lund – Pioneering Women in the Petroleum Industry
James McDonald