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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database


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Candidate Selection for Horizontal Drilling with Case Studies in Osage and Tulsa Counties, Oklahoma

Bob Westermark

Cased-hole and Production Log Interpretation for Geologists Workshop

Bill Guy

Coalbed Methane Potential of the North-Central Gulf of Mexico Basin

F. Clayton Breland, Jr., Peter Warwick, Chad Hartman, Ed Ratchford, Dan Buller, David Williamson

Cost Effective Horizontal Well Technology - Workshop Summary

R.G. "Bob" Knoll

Gas Field Technology - Workshop Summary

Rock Zierman, James Lea, John Crews, Saibal Mitra, Mike Gleason, Mike Purcell, Rob Habel, Rock Zierman

Low Cost Oil & Gas Recovery Methods - Workshop Summary

Zaki Bassiouni, Thomas Walker

Material Balance & Modeling - Reservoir Engineering Tools Past, Present, and Future - Workshop Summary

John McMullen, Dave Bergman, Rob Sutton, Toddy Guidry

Modern Completion Practices

Glenn Swanson, Jennifer Miskimins, Mark Holland, Larry Peabody, John Hart

Old Electric Logs: An Interpretation and Analysis Workshop

Willard J. (Bill) Guy

The Other 30% Recovery Factor - Workshop Summary

Ned Clayton, David Kilpartick, Iraj Ershaghi, S. Qing Sun, Ravi Krishnamurthy, Don Duttlinger, Mike Dennis, Tex Boratko, Jeff Planck

Power Generation Using Waste and Stranded Gas - Workshop Summary

Casper Zublin, Bob Fickes, Peter Lahey, John Swanson, Raj Buch, Jeevan Anand, Trent Rosenlieb

Principles of Polymer Gel for Water Reduction with Illustrative Field Applications

Bob Synadsk, Randy Seright

PTTC Network News - Vol. 11, No.1 - 2005

Brian Sims, Karl Lang, Ali Daneshy

PTTC Network News - Vol. 11, No.2 - 2005

Mike Seal, Dennis Gaudet

PTTC Network News - Vol. 11, No.4 - 2005

Dwight Rychel, John Curtis

Pumpers & Well Operations Training - Workshop Summary

David G. Morse, Steven R. Gustison, Steve PErsinger, Chris Black, Bill Maxey

Reducing Electric Power Costs In Old Oil Fields - Workshop Summary

Mike Paik

Sequence Stratigraphy for Explorationists - Workshop Summary

Bruce Hart, Nikki Strong

SPCC Rules and 2002 Revisions - Workshop Summary

Michael W. Schmidt

Subsurface Fluid Pressures and Their Relation to Petroleum Generation, Migration and Accumulation

Fred Meissner

Unconventional Gas Resources in Kansas - Workshop Summary

Rodney Reynolds, Dwayne McCune, Lynn Watney, Alan Byrnes, Scott Sears, Richard Leeth, Anthony Crivello, Jim Stegeman