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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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1954 Field Conference - First Trip - Denver to Colorado Springs and Return
T.C. Hiestand - Field Conference Committee Chairman
1954 Field Conference - Second Trip - Denver to Canon City and Return
T.C. Hiestand - Field Conference Committee Chair
Colorado Crude Oil Refineries & Pipe Lines
Maury Goodin
Cretaceous Sands of the Denver Basin
Charles W. Sternerg, A. J. Crowley
Field Summary: Abbott Field
W.R. Thurston
Field Summary: Adena Field
A.W. Cullen, K.C. Forcade
Field Summary: Armstrong Field
N.L. Ashburn
Field Summary: Asbury Creek Field
Greer P. Streetman
Field Summary: Atwood Field
N.L. Ashburn
Field Summary: Badger Creek Field
R.K. Peckler
Field Summary: Bar X Anticline East and West Domes
Den Galbraith
Field Summary: Battle Canyon Field
Donuil Hillis
Field Summary: Berthoud Field
Charles S. Lavington
Field Summary: Black Hollow Field
C.C. Denny
Field Summary: Bobcat Field
A.A. McGregor
Field Summary: Bonham Field
A.E. Johnson
Field Summary: Boulder Field
J.E. Deuth, R.W. King
Field Summary: Buckingham Field
Thomas B. Burns
Field Summary: Chromo Anticline
Sherman A. Wengerd
Field Summary: Clark's Lake Field
H.L. Hurley
Field Summary: Dale-Springdale Field
JAne M. Taylor, H.M. Kirkpatrick
Field Summary: Douglas Creek Field
N.W. Engel
Field Summary: Dove Creek Field
William Green
Field Summary: East and West Woodrow Fields
Robert L. Pott
Field Summary: East Mountain View
G.E. Jacober
Field Summary: Elk Springs Field
Frank Sims
Field Summary: Fleming Field
W.S. Lippitt
Field Summary: Florence-Canon City Field
Arthur F. Brunton
Field Summary: Fort Collins Field
J.H. McCourt, M.R. Mott
Field Summary: Frenchmans Creek
Wendell G. Sanford
Field Summary: Goodrich and Masters Fields
E.G. Griffith
Field Summary: Graylin Field
N.H. Williamson
Field Summary: Greasewood Field
Arthur F. Brunton
Field Summary: Greenwood Field Extension
L.E. Monley
Field Summary: Hell's Hole
John R. Bunn, Robert E. Covington
Field Summary: Hiawatha Field
W.W. Skeeters
Field Summary: Highline Canal
Greer P. Streetman
Field Summary: Ignacio Field
D.M. Ferebee
Field Summary: Iles Dome Field
John R. Dyer
Field Summary: Johnson Hill and North Johnson Hill
Cliff J. Nolte
Field Summary: Keota Field
R.B. Russell
Field Summary: Lee Field
C.W. Sternberg
Field Summary: Lewis Creek Field
N.H. Williamson
Field Summary: Liberty, South Liberty and West Liberty Fields
CLiff J. Nolte
Field Summary: Little Beaver Field
A.L. Bergren Jr.
Field Summary: Logan Field
George D. Volk
Field Summary: Long Field
C.W. Hula
Field Summary: Luft Field
George D. Volk
Field Summary: Maudlin Gulch
John A. Smythe
Field Summary: McCallum Field (North & South)
Gordon Hurd
Field Summary: McElmo Dome
O.J. Lilly
Field Summary: McRae Field
C.L. Severy
Field Summary: Merino Field
W.E. Keebler
Field Summary: Messex Field
W.E. Keebler
Field Summary: Middlemist Field
N.W. Engel
Field Summary: Minto Field
G.W. Sandberg
Field Summary: Moffat Field
S. Teflian
Field Summary: Mount Hope Field
John W. Shelton, H.M. Kirkpatrick
Field Summary: Noonan Ranch Field
W.M. Angle
Field Summary: Northwest Graylin Field
N.H. Williamson
Field Summary: Padroni Field
Gaylord O. Mickelson
Field Summary: Pawnee Creek Field
Andrew G. Alpha
Field Summary: Powder Wash Field
W.W. Skeeters
Field Summary: Rangely Field
W.R. Smith
Field Summary: Red Mesa Field
William Green
Field Summary: Roggen and South Roggen Field
E.G. Griffith
Field Summary: Sand River Field
W.R. Thurston
Field Summary: South Springdale Field
William A. Newton
Field Summary: Stoneham and South Stoneham Fields
T.D. Sheldon
Field Summary: Thornburg Field
Ward O'Malley
Field Summary: Tow Creek Field
John E. Frey
Field Summary: Twin Buttes
J.G. Wilkins
Field Summary: Walker Field
Warren J. Souder
Field Summary: Wellington Field
J.H. McCourt, M.R. Mott
Field Summary: West Padroni Field
R.L. Peckler
Field Summary: West Peetz Field
W.R. Deane
Field Summary: Willard Field
Robert L. Wolfe
Field Summary: Wilson Creek Field
F.H. Hoffman
Field Summary: Yenter Field
A. Theodore Lee
A Geologic History of Colorado
F.A. Thurman
The Graneros Trend - History of an Oil Play
Henry H.R. Sharkey, Fred S. Jensen, Paul S. Reep
Major Tectonic Elements of Colorado: A Review
Steven S. Oriel
Oil and Gas Developments of Western Colorado
Daniel S. Turner
Oil Discovery in Colorado
Howard H. Hinson
A Resume of Petroleum Exploration and Exploratory Development in Colorado 1862-1954
A.E. Brainerd, F.M. Van Tuyl