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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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Introduction to the Geology of Northwest Colorado

John D. Haun

Accumulation of Oil and Gas in Northwestern Colorado Controlled PRincipally by Stratigraphic Variations

Clark Millison

Air-Gas Drilling in Northwestern Colorado

Robert W. Sneed, A. Hamilton Mencher

Controls of Oil and Gas Accumulation

Daniel S. Turner

Danforth Hills Area Townships 2 to 5 North, Ranges 93 to 96 West Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado

W.P. Grace, G. Allen Nelson

Douglas Creek Anticline and Adjoining Area

Paul K. Kopper

Economic Aspects of Oil and Gas in Northwestern Colorado

W.A. Crutcher

Exploration Hydrodynamic - Northwestern Colorado

Patrick A. Treckman, Gilman A. Hill, William A. Colburn, Floyd H. Millera

The Geologic Development of Northwestern Colorado

Bruce F. Curtis

History of Exploration and Development for Oil and Gas in Northwestern Colorado

A.E. Brainerd, Thad R. Carpen

Modern Stratigraphic Logging Methods and Their Application to Subsurface Exploration

C.K. Fisher

North Flank Uncompahgre Arch Mesa and Garfield Counties, Colorado

Max Krey

Northwestern Colorado Leasing in Brief

H.L. Spearman

Northwestern Colorado Oil Shales

Ernest E. Burgh

Oak Creek Field, Routt County, Colorado

William A. Gillespie

Occurrence of Oil and Gas in the Sand Wash Basin, Northwest Colorado

William W. Whitley

Oil & Gas Potential of Upper Cretaceous Sediments, Southern Piceance Basin

Craig E. Gunter

Photogeology, A Tool for Petroleum Exploration in Northwestern Colorado

B.P. Harder

Piceance Creek Gas Field

Howard R. Ritzma

Pinnacle Field

Gordon I. Haskett

Rangely Field, Rio Blanco County, Colorado

P.M. McMinn, H.L. Patton

Road Logs - Steamboat Springs to Craig to Glenwood Springs and return to Steamboat Springs

G.G. Loucks, R.W. Blaha

Seismic Prospecting for Oil and Gas in Northwestern Colorado

Charles E. McMunn

Selected Bibliography of the Geology of Northwestern Colorado

D.S. Walton, G.C. Crews

South Craig Area Townships 1 to 6 North, Ranges 86 to 94 West, Routt, Moffat, Garfield and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado

K.F. Cummings, R.L. Pott

Special Completion Practices

E.A. Polumbus & Associates Inc.

Special Drilling Practices

E.A. Polumbus & Associates Inc.

Subsurface Exploration in Northwestern Colorado

B.W. Beebe

Summary of Oil PRodictive Formations of Northwestern Colorado

Frank Piro

Surface Mapping in Northwestern Colorado

Charles C. O'Boyle

Thornburg Field

Gordon Hurd