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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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The "D" Sandstone Channel Complex of the Greater Roggen Area Weld County, Colorado

E.G. Griffith

The Davis-Joyce Field - A Cretaceous Riverine Deltaic "D" Sand System in Western Nebraska

A.P. Geyer, R.W. Pritchett

Eocene Rocks in Denver Basin

Paul E. Soister, Robert H. Tschudy

Geologic Setting of Coal in Denver Basin

Paul E. Soister

The Glen Eyrie Formation (Carboniferous) Near Colorado Springs

John Chronic, Carol A. Williams

Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the "D" Sand Adams and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado

L.G. "Lee" Mossel

Influence of Transcontinental Arch on Cretaceous Marine Sedimentation: A Preliminary Report

Robert J. Weimer

Kachina Field T3S-R52W Washington County, Colorado

James W. Nylund

Late Paleozoic Structural Evolution The Las Animas Arch

Bailey Rascoe Jr.

Magnetic and Electrical Study of a Roll-Front URanium Deposit in the Denver Basin, Colorado

Louis J. O'Connor, Bruce D. Smith

Niobrara Gas in Eastern Colorado and Northwestern Kansas

John P. Lockridge, Peter A. Scholle

The Oregon Trail

John H. Rathbone

PEoria Field, Denver Basin, Colorado - J Sandstone Distributary Channel Reservoir

Cooper B. Land, Robert J. Weimer

Permo-Pennsylvanian of the West-Central Nebraska Panhandle

John M. Wilson

Probabilities and Their Use in Exploration Economics

P.H. Scott

A Refined Interpretation of the Depositional Environments of Wattenberg Field, Colorado

Wayne L. Peterson, Stephen D. Janes

Road Log for Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Colorado Springs Conference, October 9-10, 1978

John H. Lewis

Statistical and Geological Evaluation of Oil and Gas Production from the J Sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming

John D. Pruitt

Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous J Sandstone, Boulder County, Colorado: A Deltaic Model

Betty Ann Clark

Stratigraphy of Uppermost Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks of the Denver Basin

Paul E. Soister

Trace Fossil From the Lower Hardin Formation (Middle Ordovician), Colorado

William A. Fischer

Underground Gas Storage in the Leyden Lignite Mine

Robert M. Meddles

Uranium Deposits: Northern Denver Julesburg Basin, Colorado

Harold L. Reade

The Use of a Discovery Process Model Based on the Concept of area of Influence of a Drill Hole to PRedict Discovery Rates in the Denver Basin

L.J. Drew, J.H. Schuenemeyer, D.H. Root

The Watkins Project

John W. Hand