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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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Blackburn Field, Nevada: A Case History

Cheryl Scott, Alan K. Chamberlin

Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs in the Lansing-Kansas City Groups (Upper Pennsylvanian) in Victory Field, Haskell County, Kansas

W. Lynn Watney, John French

Coal-Bed Gas Development in the San Juan Basin: A Primer for the Lawyer and Landman

J. Hovey Kemp, Kurt M. Petersen

Coal Resources and Coal-Bed Geometry, Fruitland Formation, Southen Ute Indian Reservation, Archuleta and La Plata Counties, Colorado

Dorothy T. Sandberg

Completing, Equipping, and Operating Fruitland Formation Coal-Bed Methane Wells in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado

William F. Clark, Tom Hemler

Description and Origin of the Devonian Dolomite Oil Reservoir, Grant Canyon Field, Nye County, Nevada

David L. Read, William D. Zogg

Disposal of Production Waters from Oil and Gas Wells in the Northern San Juan Basin, Colorado

Gerald L. Zimpfer, Eric J. Harmon, Bradford C. Boyce

Distribution of Exposed Limonitic Rocks and Soils From Landsat Multispectral Scanner Data on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Southwestern Colorado

Daniel H. Knepper Jr.

First Day Road Log from Durango, Colorado around Northwest Rim of San Juan Basin Via Cedar Hill, Aztec, and La Plata, New MExico and Soda Springs, Marvel, and Breen, Colorado

James E. Fassett

A Geologic Analysis of the Fruitland Formation Coal and Coal-Bed Methane Resources of the San Juan Basin, Southwestern Colorado and Northwestern New Mexico

Bruce S. Kelso, Donald E. Wicks

Geology, Geochemistry, Reservoir Engineering, and Completion Methods at the Cedar Hill Field, San Juan County, New Mexico: A Field Study of Classic Coal Degasification Behavior

David Decker, Stephen J. Jeu, James D. Cooper, Donald E. Wicks

Geology of Glenburn Field, North Dakota

Lee C Gerhard, David Fischer, Roger Borchert, Robert Johnson

Geometry and Depositional Environment of Fruitland Formation Coal Beds, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: Anatomy of a Giant Coal-Bed Methane Deposit

James E. Fassett

History of Gas Produced from Coal Seams in the San Juan Basin

Thomas A. Dugan, Barbara L. Williams

Horizontal Drainhole Drilling Techniques Used in Rocky Mountain Coal Seams

Terry L. Logan

Identification and Significance of Coal-Bed Gas, San Juan Basin, Northwestern New Mexico and Southwestern Colorado

Dudley D. Rice, Charles N. Threlkeld, April K. Vuletich, Mark J. Pawlewicz

The Ignacio Blanco Gas Field Northern San Juan Basin, Colorado

Clarence L. Harr

Improved Hydraulic Fracturing Strategy for Fruitland Formation Coal-Bed Methane Recovery San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado

John Ely, Stephen A. Holditch, Ronald H. Carter

Ismay Reservoirs, Paradox Basin: Diagenesis and Porosity Development

William C. Dawson

Joint Patterns on the Northwest Side of the San Juan Basin (Southern Ute Indian Reservation), Southwest Colorado

Steven M. Condon

Jurassic Twin Creek Formation: A Fractured Limestone Reservoir in the Overthrust Belt, Wyoming and Utah

C.L. Bruce

Log Evaluation In Wells Drilled for Coal-Bed Methane

Michael J. Mullen

Marketing San Juan Basin Gas

David M. Posner

Microlithotype Analysis of Three Coals from the Upper Cretaceous Menefee Formation near Durango, Colorado

Mark J. Pawlewicz

Mission Canyon Formation Reservoir Characteristics in North Dakota

Robert F. Lindsay

Mississippian Mission Canyon Reservoirs of the Billing Nose, Billings County, North Dakota

John J. Breig

Mississippian Oilfields in the Northern Williston Basin

D.M. Kent, F.M. Haidl, J.A. MacEachern

Nature and Distribution of Mississippian Sun River Dolomite Porosity, West Flank of the Sweetgrass Arch, Northwestern Montana

Ira Pasternack

Non-Conventional Fuel Tax Credit

Peet M. Soot

Overview: Carbonate Reservoirs of the Paradox Basin

G.M. Stevenson, D.L. Baars

Overview: Geologic History and Carbonate Reservoirs of the Basin and Range Province, Western United States

Harry E. Cook

Overview: Late Paleozoic Geologic History of the Northern Denver Basin

Timothy R. Garfield, Alan J. Scott, Ann L. Walker

Overview: Williston Basin Carbonate reservoirs

S. Duff Kerr Jr.

An Overview of Geothermal Studies in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado

Gerry Clarkson, Marshall Reiter

Pennsylvanian Carbonate Facies and Prosity Type in Bird and Amazon Fields, Cheyenne County, Nebraska

James P. Rogers, Mark W. Longman

A Preliminary Interpretation of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Data from Surface Rocks, Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Southwest Colorado

Mitchell E. Henry

Preliminary Interpretation of Short-Wavelength Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Southwestern Colorado

Michael W. Webring

Preliminary Interpretation of Soil-Gas Data and Relationships to other Hydrocarbon Microseepage Indicators, Four Corners Platform - San Juan Basin Transitional Area, Southwest Colorado and Northwest New Mexico

Kimberley I. Cunningham

Production History of the San Juan 32-7 Unit No.6 Well, Northern San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Brent W. Hale, Carolyn H. Firth

Pverview: Carbonate Reservoir Facies, Wyoming and Parts of Montana

James A. Peterson

Pverview: Structural Geology and hydrocarbon Occurrences in the Thrust Belt of Western Wyoming

Charles F. Kluth, Paul R. Lamerson

Red River Reservoirs of Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana

James A. Kohm, Richard O. Louden

Reservoir Characteristics of the Duperow Formation at Tree Top Field, North Dakota

R.B Burke, T.J. Heck

Reservoir Geology and Petrophysics of the Upper Interlake Group, Nesson Anticline Area, North Dakota

R.F. Inden, R.M. Cluff, A.P. Byrnes

A Review of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Coal with Implications for Coal-Bed Methane Well Completion and Production

Arfon H. Jones, Gregory J. Bell, Richard A. Schraufnagel

Second Day Road Log From Durango, Colorado around Northeast Rim of San Juan Basin Via Bayfield, Chimney Rock, Arboles, Allison, and ignacio, Colorado and back to Durango

James E. Fassett

Shallowing-Upward Cyclic Carbonate Reservoirs in the Lower Ratcliffe Interval (Mississippian), Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota

Michael L. Hendricks

Shallow Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Gas Fields in the Eastern Denver Basin

John P. Lockridge, Richard M. Pollastro

Significance of Paleokarst on Petroleum Recovery, Elk Basin Field, Big Horn Basin

James A. McCaleb

The Southern Utes: An Economically and Socially Successful Indian Nation Building upon its History and Challenging the Future

Brafdord C. Boyce, Leonard C. Burch

State Regulations Affecting Fruitland Formation Coal-Bed Methane Gas Development in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado

Katy Templeton-Buell, Ernie Busch

Stress-Dependent Permeability and Porosity of Coal

Chester R. McKee, Amar C. Bumb, Robert A. Koenig

A Study of Coal-Bed Methane Production Trends as Related to Geologic Features, Warrior Basin. Alabama

F.H. Briscoe, B.S. Camp, L.K. Lottman, P.G. Malone

Tiltmeter Mapping and Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Coal: A Case Study in the Warrior Basin, Alabama

George A. Gazonas, Chris A. Wright, M.D. Wood

Trapping Mechanisms and Petrophysical Properties of the Permian Kaibab Formation, South-Central Utah

Steven M. Goolsby, Lorraine Druyff, Monte S. Fryt

Upper Devonian Nisku Formation at East Kevin Field, Sweetgrass Arch, Montana

Beverly Blakeney, David E. Eby

Upper Ismay Reservoir at Tin Cup Mesa Field

Wilson H. Herrod, Paul S. Gardner

Upper Mississippian Grainstone Reservoirs in the Ladder Creek Field Area, Cheyenne County, Colorado

Karen Lyn Carter, Vincent J. Coringrato

Well-Log Determination of Ash Content in Fruitland Formation Coals, Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Southwest Colorado

Stephen E. Prensky