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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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Introduction: Editorial Philosophy and Summaries of Papers

Sanford S. Kaplan, Edward B. Coalson, C. Wm. Keihin, Chris A. Ogelsby, John W. Robinson

Conceptual Models for the Prediction of Porosity Evolution with an Example from the Frontier Sandstone, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Ronald C. Surdam, Thomas L. Dunn, Donald B. MacGowan, Henry P. Heasler

Depositional Environment and Mineralogy of the Upper Cretaceous Teapot Sandstone, Well Draw Field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Steven P. Conner, John J. Sullivan, Thomas T. Tieh

Diagenetic and Petrophysical Variations of the Dakota Sandstone, Henry Field, Green River Basin, Wyoming

Margaret M. Muller, Edward B. Coalson

Diagenetic History and Reservoir Characterlstics of a Deep Minnelusa Reservoir, Hawk Point Field Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Susan W. James

Geological and Engineering Evaluation of Barrier Island and Valley-Fill Lithotypes in Muddy Formation, Bell Creek Field, Montana

Michael Szpakiewicz, Richard Schatzinger, Matt Honarpour, Min Tham, Roderick Tillman

Influence of Depositional Environment and Diagenesis on Regional Porosity Trends in the Lower Cretaceous "J" Sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado

Debra K. Higley, James W. Schmoker

Laramide and Cenozoic Geology Road Log - Denver, Colorado to Albuquerque, New Mexico

Robbie Rice Gries, George D. Vandersluis

Nature of the Terry Sandstone Reservoir, Spindle Field, Colorado

Edward D. Pittman

Paleostructural Control of Dakota Hydrocarbon Accumulations on the Southern Moxa Arch, Southwest Wyoming and Northeast Utah

K.D. Reisser, Steve J. Blanke

Performance of Lower-Porosity Nugget Reservoirs, Anschutz Ranch East, Bessie Bottom, and North Pineview Fields, Utah and Wyoming

William J. Sercombe

Petrography, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Properties of the Dakota Sandstone of West Lindrith Field, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico

Stanley P. Franklin, Thomas T. Tieh

Petrography and Petrophysics of the Upper Cretaceous Turner Sandy Member of the Carlile Shale at Todd Field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Dawaduen Charoen-Pakdi, James E. Fox

Petrologic Character of a Morrowan Sandstone Reservoir, Lexington Field, Clark County, Kansas

Martin Emery, Peter G. Sutterlin

Petrology and Reservoir Characteristics of the Almond Formation, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming

C. Wm. Keighin, B.E. Law, R.M. Pollastro

Sedimentary Facies and Reservoir Characteristics of the Nugget Sandstone (Jurassic), Painter Reservoir Field, Uinta County, Wyoming

Laura E. Tillman

Sedimentology, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Potential of the Pennsylvanian Tyler Formation, Central Montana

Peter T. Stanton, Matthew R. Silverman

Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Muddy (J) Sandstone Reservoir, Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado

Robert J. Weimer, Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Structurally Influenced Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Trapping at Spindle Field, Colorado

Karen W. Porter

Unconformities and Valley-Fill Sequences - Key to Understanding "J" Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) Reservoirs at Lonetree and Poncho Fields, D-J Basin, Colorado

Frank G. Ethridge, John C. Dolson

The Weber Sandstone at Rangely Field, Colorado

Kent A. Bowker, William D. Jackson