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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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Defining Paleo-Exposures and Paleo-Aquifers in Carbonates with Isotopic and Cationic Data: A Brief Review

Paul D. Wagner

Distribution and Architecture of Subunconformity Carbonate Reservoirs : Lower Meramecian (Mississippian) Subcrop Trend, Western Kansas

Reed A. Johnson

Ellenburger Subcrop Trends, Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin, Texas

John F. Humphrey, Michael L. Hendricks, Howard J. White

Example of the Use of Fluid Inclusion and Geochemical Analysis to Describe the Relationship Between a Discontinuity and Oil Migration: Cretaceous of Offshore Dubai, U.A.E.

Patricia E. Videtich, Roger K. McLimans, Hal J. Frank

Giant Proximal Foreland Basin Non-marine Wedge Trap: Lower Cretaceous Cutbank Sandstone, Montana

John C. Dolson, Joseph Piombino

Graphic Correlation Tests the Synchronous Mid-Cretaceous Depositional Cycles: Western Interior and Gulf Coast

Robert W. Scott, Paul C. Franks, Jeffrey A. Stein, James A. Bergen, Michael J. Evetts

Influence of Karst Fabrics on Reservoir Heterogeneity, Madison Formation, Garland Field, Wyoming

A. Serdar Demiralin, Neil F. Hurley, Thomas W. Oesleby

Interplay of Tectonics, Eustacy, and Sedimentation in the Formation of Mid-Cretaceous Clastic Wedges, Central and Northern Rocky Mountain Regions

Thomas A. Ryer

Migration Pathways and Seismic Expression of a North American Giant: East Texas Field

William A. Wescott

Mississippian Buried Hills Reservoirs Along the Northeastern Flank of the Williston Basin, Canada and United States

Rod J. Christensen, Michael L. Hendricks, Jacob D. Eisel

New Plays in an Old Playground: Using Sequence Stratigraphy: Virgil and Wolfcamp Strata, Denver Embayment, Eastern Colorado

Elizabeth P. Rall, Peter T. Loeffler

Overview of Criteria for Recognition and Mapping of Valley Fills and Associated Surfaces: Lower Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone, Rocky Mountain Region

Karen W. Porter, Steven A. Sonnenberg

Paleosol and Subunconformity Traps: Examples from the Muddy Sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Randi S. Martinsen, Zun S. Jiao, William P. Iverson, Ron C. Surdam

Ravinement Surface Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Transgressive Systems Tracts: Almond Formation, Green River Basin, Wyoming

Michael L. Hendricks

Relationship of Stratigraphic Traps to Submarine Unconformities: Examples from the Tocito Sandstone, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado

Richard J. Bottjer, Jeffrey A. Stein

A Review of Fundamental Concepts of Hydrocarbon Exploration in Unconformity Related Traps

John C. Dolson, Keith W. Shanley, Michael L. Hendricks, William A. Wescott

Seals and Migration Pathways in Paleogeomorphically Trapped Petroleum Occurrences: Permian White Rim Sandstone,Tar-Sand Triangle Area, Utah

Jackie E. Huntoon, John C. Dolson, Bruce M. Henry

Sedimentology of the Upper Morrow Formation in Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas Morrow Sandstone (Pennsylvanian) of Southeastern Colorado and Kansas

Lee F. Krystinik, Beverly A. Blakeney De Jarnett

Simulating Unconformity Development and Unconformable Stratigraphic Relationships Through Physical Experiments

Lesli J. Wood, John E. Koss, Frank G. Ethridge

Subtle Seals and Fluid-flow Barriers in Carbonate Rocks

Edward B. Coalson, Steven M. Goolsby, Mark H. Franklin

Unconformity Related Hydrocarbon Production: Lower Cretaceous, Fall River Sandstone, Powell and Buck Draw Fields, Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Frank G. Ethridge, Larry B. Kellison, Connie J. Jump-Ware

Use of Gamma Ray Spectral Log to Recognize Exposure Surfaces at the Reservoir Scale: Big Bow Field (St. Louis Limestone), Kansas

Timothy R. Carr, Carl E. Lundgren