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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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Borrego Pass Lentil, a New Member of the Crevasse Canyon Formation, Southen San Juan Basin, New Mexico
Aderbal Caetano Correa
Cambrian and Ordovician Stratigraphy of the Southen Mosquito Range, Colorado
Thomas B. Anderson
A Chronicle of Exploration in South Park Basin, Park County, Colorado
James H. Clement, Gordon L. Dolton
Dakota Group (Cretaceous) Stratigraphy, Southern Front Range South and Middle Parks, Colorado
Robert J. Weimer
First Day's Road Log: Denver to Palmer Lake to Canon City
C.M. Boos, J.W. Nance, Lon Raymond, Fred Reid
Lower Cretaceous of Wyoming and the Southern Rockies
Robert G. Young
Lower Cretaceous Sediments of North Park Basin
J. Joseph Haverfield
Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy and its Relationship to Oil Production in the Laramie Basin
D.F. Cardinal
Origin and Depositional Environment of the Codell Sandstone Member of the Carlile Shale (Upper Cretaceous) Southeastern Colorado
Paul R. Krutak
Petrology of Devonian Shelf Carbonates of West Central Colorado
John A. Campbell
Principal Horizontal Stress in the Central Rocky Mountains Versus California
D.S. Stone
Rb-Sr Whole-Rock Age Determinations of the Iron Hill and McClure Mountain Carbonatite-Alkalic Complexes, Colorado
M.D. Fenton, G. Faure
A Rb-Sr Whole-Rock Age Dtermination for the Rainy Creek Alkalic-Ultramafic Complex, Montana
M.D. Fenton, G. Faure
Second Day's Road Log: Canon City, Fairplay and Breckenridge
Lee C. Gerhard. Ronald B. Chase, John H. Lewis
Stratigraphy of Basal Sandstones in the Green River Formation Northeast Piceance Basin, Rio Blanco County, Colorado
C. Bruce Snow
Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation Accompanying Maturation of Paleozoic Petroleum, Wind River Basin, Wyoming - A Synopsis
L.D. Vredenburgh, E.S. Cheney
Supplementary Road Log: Plainview Section
C.M. Boos, J.W. Nance
Third Day's Road Log: Breckenridge to Granby
Gary Hall, Jim Bullock
Triassic-Jurassic Lakes in New Mexico
William F. Tanner
Upper Portion of the Fountain Formation and Lyons Formation at Morrison, Colorado
W.A. Blood
The Use of Computer Prepared Residual Maps as an Aid in Determining Sedimentary Environments of the Muddy Formation, Northeastern Wyoming
R.L. Egbert, E.F. Armstrong