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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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The Age of Iron Hill Complex of Colorado: Reply

M.D. Fenton, G. Faure

Application of Hydrolysis Equilibria to the Genesis of Pegmatite and Kyanite Deposits in Northen New MExico

Randall L. Gresens

Brandon Field, Kiowa County, Colorado

W.S. Plant Jr., Richard W. Volk, Larry D. Vredenburgh

Cedar Valley Field, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska

John C. Shenk

Devonian Stratigraphy North of The Uncompahgre Uplift, Colorado

William A. Thomas

The Geology and Geochemistry of the Poison Ridge Intrusive Center, Grand and Jackson Counties, Colorado

Karl R. Nelson

Graphic Analysis of Basins and Uplifts

John W. Shelton, John S. Ross

Penecontemporaneous Gravity-Controlled Folds, Holman Hill, New Mexico

Rae L. Harris Jr.

Peoria Field, Arapahoe County, Colorado

George D. Ecker Jr.

Pliocene Drainage of East-Central Colorado and Northwestern KAnsas

Richard Howard Pearl

Polygonal Jointing in Sandstone Near Boulder, Colorado

Dennis Ivan Netoff

Post-Lytle Dakota Group on West Flank of Denver Basin, colorado

David B. MacKenzie

Powder Wash Field, Moffat County, Colorado

Stanley H. Collins

Rb-Sr Whole-Rock Age Determinations of the Iron Hill and McClure Mountain Carbonatite-Alkalic Complexes, Colorado: Discussion

Jerry C. Olson, Richard F. Marvin

Relation of Carbon Dioxide Content of Apatite of the Phosphoria formation to Regional Facies

Robert A. Gulbrandsen

The Role of Geologic Input in Urban Planning

Leroy M. Mohorich

Sediment-Vector Sequences and Tectonism

William F. Tanner

Structural Geology of the Northeastern Flank of the Uinta Mountains, Moffat County, Colorado

James R. Weber

Tidal Sedimentation and its Bearing on Reservoir and Trap in Permian Phosphoria Strata, Cottonwood Creek Field, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming

James P. Rogers