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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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AAPG Field Trip 1: Geology of the Denver Mountain Area: Red Rocks Park to Lookout Mountain to Boulder

D.W. Trexler, F.E. Moore

AAPG Field Trip 2: Tertiary and Cretaceous Energy Resources of the Southern Rocky Mountains

R.H. De Voto, C.B. Land, T.R. Blazzard, R.T. LArsen, W.C. Culbertson, J.R. Dyni, R.V. Bailey

AAPG Field Trip 3: Structure and Ore Deposits of Central Colorado

W.S. Calkin, O.L. Tweto, R.C. Epis, G.R. Scott

Bromine Distribution in Some Halite Rocks of the Paradox Member, Hermosa Formation, in Utah

Omer B. Raup

Cenezoic Geologic History of South PArk

Richard H. De Voto

Cripple Creek District

A.H. Koschman

Environment of Wyoming Tertiary Uranium Deposits

Ruffin I. Rackley

Eolian Origin of Flagstone Beds, Lyons Sandstone (Permian), Type Area, Boulder County, Colorado

T.R. Walker, J.C. Harms

Field Guide to Dakota Group (Cretaceous) Stratigraphy Golden-Morrison Area, Colorado

Robert J. Weimer, Cooper B. Land Jr.

A General Decription of Two Computer Programs for Oil-Shale Resource Appraisal of the Green River Formation

Janet K. Pitman, John R. Donnell, George Van Trump, Margaret Roberts

Geologic Formations and Structure of Colorado Springs Area, Colorado

L. Trwobridge Grose

Intraformational Folds Near Holman Hill, New Mexico: Another Interpretation

J.J. D'Lugosz, S.E. Cebuli

Large Gypsum Mounds in the Todilto Formation, New Mexico

William F. Tanner

Latigo Field, Arapahoe County, Colorado

A.P. Geyer

Lyons Formation (Permian), Jefferson County, Colorado: A Fluvial Deposit

Robert J. Weimer, Cooper B. Land Jr.

Mineral Deposits of the Southern Portion of the Platoro Caldera Complex, Southeast San Juan Mountains, Colorado

William H. Bird

Oil Shale in the Green River Formation, Green River Basin, Wyoming

William C. Culbertson

Origin of the Todilto Gypsum Mounds in the Ghost Ranch Area, North Central New Mexico

Frank W. Stapor Jr.

Paleozoic Oil Accumulations in Wyoming: Discussion

Donald S. Stone

Pennsylvanian Tensleep Reservoir, Little Buffalo Basin Oil Field, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming

W.R. Emmett, K.W. Beaver, J.A. McCaleb

Review of Uranium Deposits in the Great Divide Basin-Crooks Gap Area, Wyoming

R.V. Bailey

SEPM Field Trip 2: Carbonate and Evaporite Facies of the Paradox Basin

R.J. Hite, O.B. Raup, J.A. Peterson, C.M. Molenaar

Shelf Carbonate Sedimentation Controlled by Salinity in the Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah

Robert J. Hite

Stratigraphy and Exploration of the Lower Cretaceous Muddy Formation Northern Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana

William D. Stone

Structural Geology of Southeastern South Park

Don L. Sawatzky

Tidal Sand Flat Deposits in Lower Cretaceous Dakota Group Near Denver, Colorado

David B. MacKenzie

Trapping Mechanisms of Minnelusa Oil Accumulations, Northeastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming

F.P. Van West

Uranium Deposits of the Shirley Basin, Wyoming

E.N. Harshman

Uranium Rolls in the United States

E.N. Harshman

The Use of Multielement Analysis and Data Processing in Minerals Exploration

Karl R. Nelson