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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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The Age of the Iron Dike - A distinctive Middle Proterozoic intrusion in the northern Front Range of Colorado
William A. Braddock, Zell E. Peterman
Ages and SR isotope systematics of Archean basementrocks from the south^central Beartooth Mountains
Carla W. Montgomery, Bruce A. Gray
Depositional History of the White Rim Sandstone, Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah
Robert E. Tubbs Jr.
DISCUSSION: Reinterpretations of the Relations between theKeystone, Red Spring, Contact, andCottonwood faults; Eastern Spring Mountains,Clark County, Nevada
Gary J. Axen
Dolomitization of the Devonian Jefferson Formation,South-Central Montana
T.M. Smith, S.L. Dorobek
An Eocene Synvolcanic Alluvial Fan Complex in East-Central Idaho: Stratigraphic Relationships and Structural Implications
Daniel R. Tucker, Richard U. Birdseye
Fracture Orientation: Use of the Dipmeter Type Fracture Log
Alan Emmendorfer
Lower Cretaceous Bentonitic Strata in- Southwestern Montana Assigned to Vaughn Member of Mowry Shale (East) and of Blackleaf Formation (West)
R.G. Tysdal, T.S. Dyman, D.J. Nichols
Paleogeothermal Gradients and Timing of Oil Generation in the Belden Formation, Eagle Basin, Northwestern Colorado
Vito F. Nuccio, Samuel Y. Johnson, Christopher J. Schenk
REPLY: Reinterpretations of the Relations between the Keystone,Red Spring, Contact, and Cottonwood faults;Eastern Spring Mountains, Clark County, Nevada
Vincent Matthews III
Sedimentology and Paleontology of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Bedrock, Colorado
Russell F. Dubiel, Steven C. Good, J. Michael Parrish
Spread Creek Anticline: Teton County, Wyoming A study in structural form and petroleum exploration
D.L. Blackstone Jr.
Testing Some Models of Foreland Deformation at the Thermopolis Anticline, Southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
Earnest D. Paylor, H. Lee Muncy, Harold R. Lang, James E. Conel, Steven L. Adams