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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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Dickinson Field Lodgepole Reservoir: Significance of This Waulsortian-llpe Mound to Exploration in the Williston Basin
Michael S. Johnson
Fluvial and Fluvio-lacustrine Facies and Depositional Environments of the Maastrichtian to Paleocene North Horn Formation, Price Canyon, Utah
Torben Olsen
Outcrop Gamma-Ray Logging Applied to Subsurface Petroleum Geology
Roger M. Slatt, JAmes M. Borer, Brian W. Horn, Hisham A. Al-Sitabi, Sarah R. Pietraszek
Pre-Middle Cambrian (Proterozoic?) Block Faulting in Central Montana
Lee A. Woodward, Thomas E. Bell
Sequence Stratigraphic Implications of Gutter Casts in the Skull Creek Shale, Lower Cretaceous, Northern Colorado
John Graham, Frank G. Ethridge
Single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar Ages for Rocks in the Lower Part of the Frontier Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Southwest Wyoming
John W. M'Gonigle, G. Brent Dalrymple, Charles W. Holmes
Spiculitic Chert Reservoir in Glick Field, South-Central Kansas
James P. Rogers, Mark W. Longman, R. Michael Lloyd