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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

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Detachment fold train, Reed Wash area, west flank San Rafael Swell, Utah: An example of a limb-lengthening, roll-through folding process on the eastern margin of the Sevier thrust belt

Frank Royse Jr.

Did the Mississippian Lodgepole Buildup at Dickinson Field (North Dakota) Form as a Gas Seep ("Vent") Community?

Mark W. Longman

Eldorado Springs Member of the Skull Creek Shale in the Denver Basin, Colorado

Dean P. Dubois

First Occurrence of Platecarpus (Reptilia: Mosasauridae) in Colorado

Jeffrey Martz

Frontier Formation Stratigraphy on the Moxa Arch, Green River Basin, Wyoming

H. Scott Hamlin

Gas in the Uinta Basin, Utah - Resources in Continuous Accurnulations

James W. Schmoker, Thomas D. Fouch, Ronald R. Carpentier

Large-Basin Ground Water Circulation and Paleo-Reconstruction of Circulation Leading to Uranium Mineralization in Grand Canyon Breccia Pipes, Arizona

Peter W. Huntoon

A Resource Evaluation of the Bakken Formation (Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian) Continuous Oil Accumulation, Williston Basin, North Dakota and Montana

James W. Schmoker

Structural and Stratigraphic Compartmentalization of the Terry Sandstone and Effects on Reservoir Fluid Distributions: Latham Bar Trend, Denver Basin: Colorado

Muatasam H. Al-Raisi, Roger M. SLatt, Michael K. Decker

Willow Creek Basement Fault System Beneath the Southwest Montana Transverse Zone: Dormant During Cambrian-Devonian Time

William A. Thomas, Joseph L. Allen, John C. Mars, Robin J. McDowell, Paul A. Azevedo, Brenda J. Buck, Holly J. Corner, J. Robert Dodd