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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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Age and Regional Significance of Marine Triassic Rocks at 0 'Neil Pass, Northeastern Nevada
Rachel K. Paull, Richard A. Paull
Along-Strike Variations in Structural Geometry of Thrust Sheets in the Tendoy Mountains, Southwestern Montana
Robin John McDowell
A Boiling Model for the Formation of Enargite-Bearing Veins in the Central City District, Colorado
Lisa G. Taylor, Theodore J. Bornhorst
Deformation of Eocene Synorogenic Conglomerate in the Footwall of the Clear Creek ~hrbst Fault, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Richard G. Hot, Kenneth D. Ridgway
Diversity of Physical and Chemical Properties of Detrital Zircons and Garnets in Cenozoic Sediments of Southwestern Montana
Abhijit Basu, Emanuela Molinaroli, Steen Andersson
Dynamics of Marine Transgression onto a Non-Linear Shoreline: The Middle Cambrian Flathead Sandstone, Clarks Fork Valley, Wyoming
R.A. Beebee, Rónadh Cox
Laramide Structure of the Central Sangre de Cristo Mountains and Adjacent Raton Basin, Southern Colorado
David A. Lindsey
The Morrison Formation Dakota Group Contact Along The Northeastern Flank of the Wet Mountains, Colorado: Evidence for a Reinterpretation of Lytle Formation Thickness
Robert J. Odien
Nature and Distribution of Niobrara Lithologies in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of the Rocky Mountain Region
MArk W. Longman, Barbara A. Luneau, Susan M. Landon
The Oligocene Little Cottonwood Stock, Central Wasatch Mountains: An Example of Compositional Zoning by Side-Wall Fractional Crystallization of an Arc-Related Intrusion: Discussion/Reply
Discussion: Wallace R. Hansen, Reply:Robert K. Smith, Reply:Antony J. Marsh
Silicilied Micropeloid Structures from the 1.1 Ga Mescal Limestone, North-Central Arizona: Probable Evidence for Precambrian Terrestrial Life
Ray Kenny, David H. Krinsley
Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Nonmarine Facies of Frontier Formation, Eastern Pioneer Mountains, Southwestern Montana
T.S. Dyman, R.G. Tysdal
Zircon Geochronology of the Webb Canyon Gneiss and the Mount Owen Quartz Monzonite, Teton Range, Wyoming: Significance to Dating Late Archean Metamorphism in the Wyoming Craton
Robert E. Zartman, John C. Reed Jr.