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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
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Abstract: Bombay ‘Palaeohigh’ - The Cause of an Oil Field
K. L. N. Rao
Abstract: East Asia Island Arc Transects
Thomas W. C. Hilde
Abstract: Geology of Continental Shelf Off Eastern Indian Coastline
A. Chandra
The Balabac Sub-Basin Southwestern Sulu Sea, Philippines
Leslie R. Beddoes, Jr.
The Cagayan Valley Basin: A Second Exploration Cycle is Warranted
E. V. Tamesis
Developments in Deep Water Drilling from Floaters
J. D. Simmons
Front Matter: Offshore South East Asia Conference Singapore 17-18 February 1976
Leslie R. Beddoes, Jr.
The Geothermal Gradient Map of Southeast Asia - A Progress Report
Herbert A. Young
Indonesia’s Tertiary Basins - The Land of Plenty
G. L. Fletcher, R. A. Soeparjadi
Offshore Exploration for Mineral Resources in South East Asia
Eoin H. MacDonald
Offshore Petroleum Exploration in East Asia - An Overview
Allen G. Hatley
Pre-Tertiary Framework of Southeast Asia
Richard W. Murphy
Stratigraphic and Paleogeographic Evolution During Cenozoic Time in Western Indonesia
Franco Paltrinieri, Pierre Saint-Marc, Bona Situmorang
Stratigraphic Correlation in Indonesia
Harold G. Billman, M. E. Scrutton
Tertiary Stratigraphy and Sedimentation in the Gulf of Thailand
M. A. Woollands, D. Haw
Volcanic Control of Structures in North and West Borneo
J. McManus, R. B. Tate