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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
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Abstract: Advanced Reservoir Characterisation Over the Sirikit Field: Prediction of Sand Distribution, Porosity and Connectivity
Phil Beale
Abstract: A New Play in a Mature Basin: Prospecting for Gas in Pretertiary Basement Reservoirs South Sumatra, Indonesia
Cliff Zeliff
Abstract: A New Tertiary Tectonic Compilation for Western and Central South East Asia and Revamped Basin Prospectivity Analysis
Ian Somerton
Abstract: Application of Coherence Cube Technology and Seismic Attributes in Ruby Field
Nguyen Huy Ngoc
Abstract: Asia Pacific Hydrocarbon Resources in a Global Context
Francis Harper
Abstract: Australia and Eastern Indonesia at the Crossroads of Gondwana and Tethys — the Implications for Petroleum Resources
Marita Bradshaw
Abstract: Bohai Bay's Penglai 19-3 Oil Field: a Giant in the Making
Ed Manalac
Abstract: Deep Water Kutei Basin Update — Recent Ganal PSC Discoveries, Indonesia
John B. Dunham, L. D. McKee
Abstract: Deepwater Petroleum System and Hydrocarbon Potential of Deepwater Brunei
Kjell Johansen
Abstract: Exploration Activities In and Around the Sangu Gas Field, Offshore Bay of Bengal
Mark Partington
Abstract: Future Opportunities for Exploration in Papua New Guinea
Andrew Grainge
Abstract: Gas Export from Siberia. Bringing Russian Gas to China, Korea and Other Markets — the Joining of Northeast and Southeast Asia by Gas Pipelines
Chris Sladen
Abstract: Geological Development and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Sea of Okhotsk, Far East Russia
Peter Baillie
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Resource Base of Bangladesh
Todd Brown
Abstract: New Seismic Technology in Acquisition & Processing Re-Opens Areas for Pre-Tertiary Exploration in Eastern Indonesia
Andrew Cochran
Abstract: Offshore Seram — Tectonic Setting and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity
Jerry Sykora
AHM Shamsuddin
Abstract: Seismic Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators in the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area
Cathal Daly
Abstract: Status of Deepwater Exploration in Malaysia
Chua Beng Yap
Abstract: The Changing Nature of Hydrocarbon Exploration in SE Asia
Peter B. Woodroof
Abstract: The Deepwater Track Record Benchmarking Global Exploration Performance and Implication for the Brunei Deepwater
Chris B Newton
Abstract: The Evaluation of New Business Opportunities in SE Asia
Jeffrey J. Lobao
Abstract: The Kaji — Semoga Discovery: a Management Paradigm Shift
Edi B. Setyobudi
Abstract: The Most Attractive Play-Fairway in the Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam
Do Van Hau
Abstract: The Oil Industry — a Whipping Boy for a World Out of Control?
Richard Hardman
Abstract: Updated Thailand Hydrocarbon Potential: Opportunities & Incentives
Somchai Poom-Im
Bligh Oil & Minerals, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Bligh Oil, Minerals Exploration Staff
Carnarvon Petroleum, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Carnarvon Petroleum Exploration Staff
Conoco Indonesia, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Conoco Indonesia Exploration Staff
Exspan Myanmar Labuan, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Exspan Myanmar Labuan Inc.(EMLI) Exploration Staff
KNOC, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
KNOC Exploration Staff
Lasmo Indonesia, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Lasmo Indonesia Exploration Staff
OMV Australia, Farm-In Opportunity for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
OMV Australia Pty Ltd Exploration Staff
Pacrim Energy, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Pacrim Energy Limited Exploration Staff
Repsol, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Repsol-YPF Exploration Staff
Saba Oil & Gas, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Saba Oil & Gas Limited Exploration Staff
Santos, Farm-In Opportunity for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Santos Ltd Exploration Staff
Titan, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Titan Exploration Staff
Tradewinds Oil and Gas International, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001
Tradewinds Oil, Gas International Exploration Staff