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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

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2007 Geotectonic Map of SE Asia — Basins and Hydrocarbon Occurrences

John M. Jacques, John Balch, Janice Christ, William Dickson, James Granath, Mike Oehlers, Mark Odegard, Alan Williams, David G. Wright

Abstract: An Integrated Subsurface Approach to Heterolithic Reservoir Risk Reduction; Malaysia PM-304 Cendor Field Success Story

C. Y. McCants, Mohd. Khalid Jamiran, Stan Rae, Yang Fairuz binti Abdul Aziz

Abstract: Appraisal Strategy in the Mangala, Aishwaryia and Bhagyam Fields (Rajasthan) from Pore Size to Seismic Scale

Laura Robertson, Paul Compton

Abstract: Contribution of Remote Sensing Data to Exploration Success with Examples from Africa and Asia

Lance Holmes, Matt Densley

Abstract: Control of Top Seal Age and Depositional Facies on Gas Column Heights in Carbonate Reservoirs of the Central Nam Con Son Basin, Vietnam

Rob Satter

Abstract: Current Trends in Asia Pacific Exploration

Jim McColgin

Abstract: Exploration and Development Challenges of the Lacustrine Petroleum System in the Songkhla Basin, Thailand

Huw Evans

Abstract: Geology and Exploration Potential of the Offshore SW Bintuni Basin, Semai-Gorong Area, Eastern Indonesia

Dariusz Jablonski, P. Priyono, Odd Arne Larsen

Abstract: Insights into SE Asian Plate Reconstructions as Guided by the 2005–2006 2D Regional Seismic Surveys, Central-Eastern Indonesia

Dariusz Jablonski, P. Priyono, Odd Arne Larsen

Abstract: Lao Wildest-Cat Exploration

Guy Paterson

Abstract: Maharaja-Lela Intra Platform basin: Relationships between Tectonic, Sedimentation and Pressure Regimes

Paolo Dattilo, Thierry Rives

Abstract: Major Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Faults and Lineaments in Thailand — the Evidence for their Actual Location and their Influence on the Architecture of Hydrocarbon Bearing Basins

John Booth, Quentin Rigby

Abstract: New Approaches and New Eyes for an Old Basin; Canning Basin Rejuvenated

Neil B. Thompson

Abstract: Reservoir Recovery Factor 40–50% ?! Time Lapse Seismic (4D) will pay back 10–20 times its cost even at $30 a barrel

Ian Jack

Abstract: Target Impedance Resolution within the Lower Cretaceous Reservoirs in the Shallow Marine Sector of the Krishna Godavari Basin

Jean Paul Roy

Abstract: The Cliff Head Oil Field, Offshore Perth Basin, Western Australia: The Lonely Crude that Needed a Cuddle

John Doran

Abstract: The Deepwater Tertiary Ulleung Basin Play, Korea: KNOC and Woodside Partnering for Success

I. M. Longley, H. Im, B. Choi, W. Clark, P. Bekkers

Abstract: The Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Offshore Timor Leste South - a Review Based on the 2005 Non - Exclusive Seismic Survey

Anders Finstad

Abstract: The Petroleum Systems of the North Malay Basin, Offshore SW Vietnam

Greg Solomon, Rui Lin, Jim Turner

Abstract: World Energy Events & Trends - South and East Asia in Context

Chris Sladen

An Alternative View on the Existence of an Effective Petroleum System in the Bali-Lombok Area

A. J. Bromley, K. Nasif, P. Tognini

Asian State Players: Global Portfolio Game

Duncan Clarke

Earthquake Investigation via 3D Seismic and Drilling

Gregory Moore, Masataka Kinoshita, Nathan Bangs, Harold Tobin

Elephant hunting in the Asia-Pacific Region 2006–2008

Ian Cross

Hydrocarbon Potential in the South Makassar Basin

Kjell Bugge Johansen, Suvi Maingarm, April Pickard

Industry Changes since SEC 2005

Peter B Woodroof

Lao Wildest-Cat Exploration

Hunt Oil Company Far East Ventures Inc. Exploration Staff

Managing CO2: What are the big issues and opportunities facing the SE Asian Energy Industry?

John G. Kaldi

Nacred: Looking for the Mother Lode of the Pearl River Mouth Basin

William Dickson, James Granath, Mark Odegard, Janice Christ

New Opportunities in Australian Deep and Shallow Water Frontiers — Arafura, Offshore Canning and Mentelle Basins

J. M. Kennard, A. Krassay, H. I. M. Struckmeyer

New Potential Plays in the Syn-rift Sequences in Offshore Palawan

Joseph M. Foronda, Jaime A. Bacud, Cielo F. Bastero

New Seismic data from the Great South Basin, South Island, New Zealand

Chris Uruski

Pushing back the peak — oil supply on an upward path

Kate Broughton

A Review of the ASEAN Oil and Gas Investment Climate and its Implications for Regional Exploration Investment

Tom Soulsby

A Success of the New Play Concept Offshore Northwestern Myanmar: Pliocene Deepmarine Turbidites of the Eastern Bengal Fan

Su-Yeong Yang, Michelle Kim

Surviving the Skills Shortage

Piers Tonge

Target Impedance Resolution within the Lower Cretaceous Reservoirs in KG-OSN-2003/1

GeoGlobal Resources Inc. Exploration Staff