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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

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Abstract: Application of Gravitational Curvature Analysis to Structural Domaining of Onshore Basins

Matthew Zengerer

Abstract: Applications of Short-Period Seismic Nodes for Earthquake and Tectonic Studies

Karen Lythgoe, Muzli Muzli, Audri Dian Nugraha, Rahmat Triyono, Shengji Wei

Abstract: A Robust Workflow for Extracting Discontinuities and Subtle Stratigraphic Features from Seismic Data

Amit K Ray, Rajeshwaran Dandapani, Sumit Verma

Abstract: Cambodia’s Hydrocarbon Prospectivity - An Insight from Block A

Katherine Y.J. Kho, Dr John M. Jacques

Abstract: Challenging the Existing Paradigm: A Case for Dual Petroleum System Operation in the Central Palembang Sub-Basin, South Sumatera Basin, Indonesia

Welly A. Ramadan, Agustiana Friyanda, Alasdair Duncan, Rochmad S. Djumeno, Toby Read, Edward Syafron, Tony Soelistyo

Abstract: Characterization of Submarine Catastrophic Events - Reservoir or Seal?

M. Johansson

Abstract: Coal Bed Methane in the South Gobi Basin, Mongolia

Greg Channon, Neil Young

Abstract: Creating a 3D Image from 2D Data, a Case Study from Hera Sub-Basin, Offshore Indonesia

Subodh Notiyal, Dhea Wachju Dwiperkasa, Baharianto Irfree, Amit Pendharkar, Arif Gunawan

Abstract: Creative Exploration in a Mature Basin: Jangkrik and Merakes Discoveries (Kutei Basin, Indonesia)

Lorenzo Meciani, Marco Orsi

Abstract: CSEM Response in a Gas Hydrate Stability Zone

Allan Filipov, Raghava Tharimela

Abstract: Depositional Architecture, Sequence Stratigraphy and the Quantification of Hydrodynamic Fractionation as a Tool for the Prediction of Reservoir Quality in a Deep Marine System: An Example from the Miocene Moki Formation in the Maari/Manaia Field Area, Southern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Alexander Wunderlich, Miko Fohrmann, Jan Mayer, Alan Clare, Ashley Howlett

Abstract: Exmouth Sub-Basin: New Data, New Insights

Alexander Karvelas, Bee Jik Lim, Lianping Zhang, Haryo Trihutomo, Oliver Schenk, Sugandha Tewari

Abstract: Exploring the Triassic Oil Potential on the North West Shelf, Australia

Claudia Valenti, Jeff Goodall, Roisin McGee, Stephen Molyneux

Abstract: Final Separation of Eastern Gondwana – Plate Kinematics and Their Implications for Frontier Exploration

Jamie Higton

Abstract: Frontier Sabah Unveiled - Latest Regional 3D Seismic Reveals the Petroleum Potential of Offshore Sabah

Dr Tad Choi, Andy Bromley, Ching Tu, Michelle Tham

Abstract: Hydrocarbon Potential Offshore Vietnam, Opportunity and Challenges

Nguyen Anh Duc

Abstract: Insights from New Geophysical Data in the Northern South China Sea

Patrick Ravaut

Abstract: Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical Data over the NW Shelf, Australia (Westralia ACCESS project)

Jonathan Watson, Barrett Cameron, Jennifer Greenhalgh

Abstract: Integrating Basin Evolution and Plate Tectonics in SE Asia

Jon Teasdale, Bob Morley, Tim Debacker

Abstract: Interpretation of Paleozoic - Mesozoic Tectonostratigraphy in Salawati Basin, West Papua, Indonesia as an Attempt to Seek Exploration Potentials

Eli Silalahi, Donny Miraza, Michael Sompie, Wah Adi Suseno, Edi Suwandi Utoro

Abstract: Isotopically Light Methane Accumulations of the Madura Strait: Elements of Thermogenic System Contribution and Implications for Exploration?

Nicolas Bianchi

Abstract: New Data Brings New and Deeper Play Insight for North Madura, Indonesia

Maz Farouki, Adriana Sola, Jo McArdle

Abstract: New Perspectives and Learnings from Three Years of Successful Drilling in Myanmar

Tony Almond

Abstract: New Plays and Concepts for Offshore Sarawak from FTG Gravity Data

Colm A. Murphy

Abstract: New Seismic imaging Reveals Opportunities in Asia Pacific

Michael Cottam, Bryan Ritchie

Abstract: New Triassic tectonostratigraphic observations across the central North West Shelf, Australia

Steve Abbott, Chris Nicholson, Tom Bernecker, Claire Orlov, George Bernardel, Nadege Rollet, Duy Nguyen, Merrie-Ellen Gunning

Abstract: New Zealand’s Canterbury Great South Basin - An emerging Deep-Water Province in a Frontier Basin?

Alexander Wunderlich, Jan Mayer, Sarah Cutten, Antony Harrison, Callum Kennedy, Alan Clare

Abstract: Philippines SC 49: From Exploration to Exploitation

Edgar Benedict C Cutiongco

Abstract: Plate Tectonic Reconstructions of SE Asia: Bacon, Salami or Baloney?

Robert Hall

Abstract: Real-Time Isotope Logging in Central Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak; Assessing Seal Competency Using Contrasting Results from Two Recent Exploration Wells

Robert C. Davis, Ana Gironés

Abstract: Reservoir Characterisation in the Presence of Thin Beds and Elastically Ambiguous Facies

Rob Ross, Ask Frode Jakobsen, Henrik Juhl Hansen

Abstract: Tectonic Development and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Northern Banda Arc

Jarrad Grahame, Peter Baillie, Paul Carter, Pedro Martinez Duran

Abstract: The Exotica Carbonate Megabreccia Debris Flow and Linkages to Active Hydrocarbon Seepage: New Ireland Basin, Papua New Guinea

Brent McInnes

Abstract: The Global Energy Landscape

Jarand Rystad

Abstract: The Hydrocarbon Potential of the Frontier Cape Vogel Basin, Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Andrew Weller, Said Amiribesheli

Abstract: The Next Big Discovery in West Natuna, Indonesia

Amir Mahmud, Miltos Xynogalas

Abstract: Validation of Fault Seal Mechanisms: An Outcrop and Subsurface Perspective

Titus Murray, William L. Power, Silvia Sosio de Rosa, Zoe Shipton, Rebecca J. Lunn

Abstract: “Let the Geology Do the Talking”: Simple Wins to More Accurate Pore Pressure Prediction

Stephen O’Connor

Application of Machine Learning to Facies Classification of Carbonate Core Images

Sharinia Kanagandran

Australia: Update on current and emerging oil & gas opportunities

Tom Bernecker

Base Tertiary Map of SE Asia, Showing Major Offshore Basins

JMJ Petroleum Oil, Gas Consultancy

Billion barrel potential in one of the world’s most exciting emerging hydrocarbon provinces

Ian Cockerill

Dorado: An Overview of the Largest Oil Discovery on the North West Shelf of Australia in the Last 30 Years

Ian Cockerill

The East Seram PSC Opportunity: Potential to be one of the most exciting blocks in Southeast Asia

Kim Morrison

Exploration Update and Global Fiscal Terms

Andrew Latham

Extended Carbonate Play Revealed by High Quality New 3D Data, Deep Water Offshore North Sumatra Basin

Alit Ascaria, David Ramos Herrero, Rafael Mesquita, Astomo Kajatmo, Victoria Olgado Maria, Wahyu Hidayat, Alvaro Jimenez Berrocoso, Yudistira Effendi, Sri Adrianto

Frontier Exploration in Mongolia: The Search for Oil-Stained Marmots

Mike Buck

Geological Development and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Southern Banda Arc

Peter Baillie, Paul Carter, Pedro Martinez Duran

High-impact Opportunities

Ian Cross

The Hydrocarbon Potential of the Channel Sands and Basin Floor Fans of Block SS-11, Hatia Trough, Offshore Bengal Basin

Edwin Bowles, John Jacques, Katherine Kho, Michael Whibley, Romain Courel

International Opportunity

Mike Lakin

Ivory Prospect within WA-521-P (Labyrinth Project)

Dr. Jeff Goodall, Dr. Stephen Molyneux

KrisEnergy Ltd – Southeast Asian Opportunities

KrisEnergy Ltd.

Large, low risk oil and gas opportunity in the heart of Asian energy markets: Hui Marah Prospect Telen PSC, Indonesia

Andy Butler

Mahakam Hilir PSC Onshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Cue Energy Resources Limited

Muruk Discovery, Western Fold Belt – Papua New Guinea

Jonathan A. Giddings, L.J. Aden, B.J. Darby, D.L. Leech

A New Direction for Asian Stratigraphy

Peter Lunt

Non-fiscal Clauses in Host Government Contracts that are Disincentives to Investment - Can the Value Loss be Quantified?

Christopher Moore

OMV New Zealand Limited, Building an E&P Footprint

Alan Clare, Alexander Wunderlich

Papua New Guinea Exploration Workflows

Luke Mahoney, Nigel Wilson, Pedro Restrepo

Petroleum Exploration and Development Opportunities in Sri Lanka

Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat (PRDS)

The Philippine Conventional Energy Contracting Program (PCECP) for Petroleum

Leonido J. Pulido, III

Reservoir Characterisation with Ocean Bottom Seismic: A South East Asia Case Study

Rob Ross, Christian Proud, Alessandro Mannini, Ahmad Shahir bin Saleh

A Revised Chronostratigraphy for the Cuu Long Basin, Based on the Interpretation of Climate-Driven Depositional Cycles During the Late Eocene/Oligocene and VIM Depositional Cycles During the Mio-Pliocene

Robert J. Morley, Nguyen Tung, Bui Viet Dung, A.J. Kullman, Robert T. Bird

Sand Body Characterisation in Tidal Marine Settings: Examples from the Malay Basin

Melissa Johansson

The Seram Fold Belt: An Emerging High Impact Play in Eastern Indonesia

Kim Morrison, Anthony Gartrell

Sumatra Deep Basin Gas and Meeting Indonesia’s Growing Gas Demand

Jerry Sykora

Todd Energy North Taranaki Graben farm-in opportunity

Dr. Ian Brewer

TOTAL Exploration in PNG, Exploration Optimization Through Technology and Innovation

Damien Deveaux, W. Gordon-Canning, A. Pichon, P. Jousselin, Q. Zhao, A. Shakerley, W. Vetel, C. Kergaravat, F. Gisquet, J-L. Gomes1

Uncover the Overlooked Gumai Play Potential at Jabung Betara Complex, Indonesia: A Best Case Study of Gas While Drilling Classification in Finding the New Pays

I Gusti Agung Aditya Surya Wibawa, Beiruny Syam, Hendra Niko Saputra, Mawar Indah Nursina, Abghia Dini Fanzuri

VIC/P71 Gateway to the Southern Margin Gippsland Basin

John Mebberson, Chris Carty

Western Flank of Papuan Basin – Indonesian Papua

Ian Longley, Agu Kantsler

Western Flank of the Papuan Basin, Indonesia

Agu Kantsler, Ian Longley

West Malita Graben – The Ugly Duckling or Another Phoenix?

Julian Mather, Nicolas Hand

Where Did They Come From, Where Did They Go? Oligocene Fluvio-Deltaic Sediments of the Salin Sub-Basin, Myanmar

Amy Gough, Joseph McNeil, Robert Hall

Where Do Producer Governments in Asia Go Next?

Rachel Calvert