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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
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Abstract: Evaluation of the Abnormally High and Low Pressured Morrow Formation, Oklahoma*
Donald P. Helander
Abstract: Original and Secondary Pores in Sedimentary Reservoir Rocks - Relation to CaCO3 Cement
Gerald M. Friedman
Abstract: Petroleum Microbiology*
G. H. Evans
The Changing Exploration Scene in Australasia*
Leslie R. Beddoes, Jr.
Diversity of Island Arcs: Japan, Philippines, Northern Moluccas*
Richard W. Murphy
Diving Services for the Oil Industry*
Fergus Healy
The ERTS - EROS Program*
J. F. Seitz
Financial Evaluation of Undeveloped Acreage*
William B. Cline
Front Matter: Proceedings of the South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society - Volume 1 - 1974
Leslie R. Beddoes, Jr., John S. Wonfor
The Geology of the North West Europe Marine Area*
Peter D. Gaffney
How Flowline Mud Temperature Plotting Can Help Predict Transition Zones*
Michael A. G. Bunter
Petroleum Geology of the Moluccas, Eastern Indonesia*
Edward A. Gribi, Jr.
Structure-Related Traps Expected to Dominate World-Reserve Statistics*
H. Douglas Klemme
Time Measurement of Geological Time and Precision in Correlation*
Alan R. Lloyd
Understanding the United States’ Energy Dilemma*
Allen G. Hatley
“Leg 28 of Deep Sea Drilling Project”*
Dennis E. Hayes