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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
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Determination of Palaeoenvironments in Southeast Asia
Maxwell C. Cater, Richard A. K. Attewell
Determination of Terrestrial Heat Flow from Oil-Field Data
Victor Vacquier
Front Matter: Proceedings of the Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society Volume III, 1976
Maxwell C. Cater, Jean MacDonald
Geothermal Gradient Map of Indonesia a Progress Report
C. S. Kenyon, K. J. Roberti, M. De Matharel, M. W. Hughes
Palaeo - Environmental Studies in Brunei
R. B. Tate
Petroleum Geology of Young Regressive Sequences
Richard E. Chapman
Principles of Geochemical Source-Bed Evaluation and Their Application to Petroleum Exploration
G. W. Ruth, J. E. Cooper
The Regional Implications of Palaeomagnetic Research in Southeast Asia
Neville S. Haile
Sedimentary Basins of China and Their Petroleum Potential
Maurice J. Terman
The “Cluster” Program Applied to Dipmeter Interpretation in South East Asia
A. G. B. Marshall