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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
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Frontmatter: Proceedings of the Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society - Volume VI - 1983
G.W. Hughes
Geohistory Analysis — A Review
G. W. Hughes
The Krisna High: Its Geologic Setting and Related Hydrocarbon Accumulations
L. E. Ardila
Malacca Strait Wrench Fault Controlled Lalang and Mengkapan Oil Fields
Angelo Crostella
Miocene Reefs, Offshore North Sumatra
Phil A. Mundt
A New Reconstruction of Southeast Asia and Gondwanaland: Its Relation to Mantle Plumes or Hotspots
Hla Maung
Obduction in Sabah
John McManus, R. B. Tate
Reefs and Porosity: Examples from the Indonesian Archipelago
Gerald M. Friedman
The Rifted Basins of Eastern India
Martha O. Withjack, John J. Gallagher
Status of Oil Exploration in Australia
R. T. Fetters
Tropical Weather — Its Nature and Problems
R. R. Fotherringham