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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Special Publications of SEPM
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G. V. Middleton
Dynamic Significance of Primary Structures in the Middle Jurassic Great Oolite Series, Southern England
George Devries Klein
Experimental Work on Primary Sedimentary Structures
Lucien M. Brush Jr.
Experiments on Ripple Laminanon
Edwin D. Mckee
Fluvial Processes as Interpreted from Ancient and Recent Fluvial Deposits
G. S. Visher
Genus-Species Index
Michael S. Chappars
Hydromechanical Principles of Sediment Structure Formation
L.I. Briggs
Laboratory Study of the Distribution of Grain Sizes in Cross Bedded Deposits
Alan V. Jopling
Primary Sedimentary Structures Formed by Turbidity Currents and Related Resedimentation Mechanisms
John E. Sanders
Sedimentary Structures Generated by Flow in Alluvial Channels
D. B. Simons
Sedimentary Structures in Igneous Intrusions with Particular Reference to the Duke Island Ultramafic Complex
T. N. Irvine
Sedimentary Structures in Modern Carbonate Sands of the Bahamas
John Imbrie
Sedimentary Structures Mississippi River Deltaic Plain
James M. Coleman
Sediment Sorting in Alluvial Channels
Lucien M. Brush Jr.
Stratification, Bed Forms, and Flow Phenomena (With an Example from the Rio Grande)
J. C. Harms
Subject-Author Index
Michael S. Chappars
Taxonomic Notes
R. Wright Barker