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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Special Publications of SEPM
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Introduction to Polar Wandering and Continental Driff
Arthur C. Munyan
Antarctic Tectonics and Continental Drift
Warren Hamilton
Cllmatic Zones Throughout the Ages
George W. Bain
Continental Drift and Distribution Patterns in the Leafy Hepaticae
Margaret Fulford
Deep Focus Earthquakes in South America and Their Possible Relation to Continental Drift
Horacio J. Harrington
William Carruthers Gussow
Palaeomagnetic Methods of Investigating Polar Wandering and Continental Drift
S. K. Runcorn
Polar Wandering and Climate
Maurice Ewing
Polar Wandering and Continental Drift an Evalvation of Recent Evidence
Ernst R. Deutsch
Precambrian Stromatolites as Indicators of Polar Shift
Stephan C. Nordeng