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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Special Publications of SEPM
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Bank to Basin Transition in Permian (Leonardian) Carbonates, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas
Paul N. Mcdaniel
Criteria Useful in Interpreting Environments of Unlike But Time-Equivalent Carbonate Units (Tansill-Capitan-Lamar), Capitan Reef Complex, West Texas and New Mexico
Willis W. Tyrrell Jr.
Deep-Water Limestones and Radiolarites of the Alpine Jurassic
Robert E. Garrison
Depositional Environments in Carbonate Rocks—An Introduction
Gerald M. Friedman
Early Vadose Silt in Townsend Mound (Reef), New Mexico
Robert J. Dunham
Ecologic Criteria for Recognition of Depositional Environments in Carbonate Rocks
H. A. Lowenstam
Microfacies and Sedimentary Structures in "Deeper Water" Lime Mudstones
James Lee Wilson
Quantitative Environmental Analysis of A Lower Cretaceous Reef Complex
L. S. Griffith
Recognition of a Transgressive Carbonate Sequence Within an Epeiric Sea: Helderberg Group (Lower Devonian) of New York State
Léo F. Laporte
Shallow to Deep Water Facies Development in the Dimple Limestone (Lower Pennsylvanian), Marathon Region, Texas
Alan F. Thomson
Trace Elements as Possible Environmental Indicators in Carbonate Sediments
Gerald M. Friedman
Vadose Pisolite in the Capitan Reef (Permian), New Mexico and Texas
Robert J. Dunham