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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Alan V. Jopling

Bed Configurations

J. C. Harms

Conglomerate: Sedimentary Structures and Facies Models

J. C. Harms

Depositional Sequences in Glaciolacustiline Deltas

Thomas C. Gustavson

Early Studies on Stratified Drift

Alan V. Jopling

Fabric and Structure in Glaciofluvial Gravels

Brian R. Rust

From Sedimentary Structures to Facies Models: Example From Fluvial Environments

J. C. Harms

Interpretation of Faults in Glaciofluvial Sediments

Barrie C. McDonald

Late Quaternary Subaqueous Outwash Deposits Near Ottawa, Canada

Brian R. Rust

Nature of Esker Sedimentation

Indranil Banerjee

Processes, Bar Morphology, and Sedimentary Structures on Braided Outwash Fans, Northeastern Gulf of Alaska

Jon C. Boothroyd

Proglacial Fluvial and Lacustrine Environments

Michael Church

Purpose and Scope

J. C. Harms

Rhythmic Sedimentation in Glacial Lake Hitchcock, Massachusetts-Connecticut

Gail M. Ashley

Sedimentary Successions in Pleistocene Ice-Marginal Lakes

John Shaw

Sedimentation and Physical Limnology in Proglacial Malaspina Lake, Southeastern Alaska

Thomas C. Gustavson

Sedimentology and Paleohydrology of Late Wisconsinan Outwash, Rocky Mountain Trench, Southeastern British Columbia

John J. Clague

Sedimentology of the Brampton Esker and its Associated Deposits: An Empirical Test of Theory

Houston C. Saunderson

Sediment Transport in Glacial Meltwater Streams

Gunnar Østrem

Shallow Marine Sands

J. C. Harms

Stratification and Sequence in Prograding Shoreline Deposits

J. C. Harms

Stratification Produced by Migrating Bed Forms

J. C. Harms