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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
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John C. Crelling
Y. K. Bentor
Applications of Coal Petrology in Coal Carbonization
John C. Crelling
Applications of Coal Petrology in Coal Selection and Coal Land Evaluation
John C. Crelling
Applications of Coal Petrology in Oil and Gas Exploration
John C. Crelling
Behavior of Some Trace Elements in Phosphatic Sedimentary Formations
Liliane Prévôt
Burial Dolomitization of the Upper Devonian Miette Buildup, Jasper National Park, Alberta
Bret W. Mattes
Carbonate Petrology of the Nido B-3A Core, Offshore Palawan, Philippines
Mark W. Longman
The Chemistry of Dolomite Formanon I: The Stability of Dolomite
Alden B. Carpenter
Climatic Control of Dolomitization, Seroe Domi Formation (Pliocene), Bonaire, N. A.
Duncan F. Sibley
Coal as a Rock
John C. Crelling
Coal Composition
John C. Crelling
Coal Petrographic Laboratories in North America
John C. Crelling
Coal Rank
John C. Crelling
Composition and Origin of Phosphorite Deposits of the Blake Plateau
F. T. Manheim
The Coorong Model for Penecontemporaneous Dolomite Formation in the Middle Proterozoic Mcarthur Group, Northern Territory, Australia
Marjorie Muir
Criteria for the Recognition of Diverse Dolomite Types with An Emphasis on Studies on Host Rocks for Mississippi Valley Type Ore Deposits
Frank W. Beales
Depositional Facies, Diagenesis and Reservoir Character of the Mission Canyon Formation (Mississippian) of the Williston Basin at Little Knife Field, North Dakota
Robert F. Lindsay
Depositional Facies and Porosity Development in Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Dolomite, Puckett Field, Pecos County, Texas
R. G. Loucks
Different Aspects of Phosphorite Weathering
Jacques Lucas
Distribution Composition Andage of Submarine Phosphorites on Chatham Rise East of New Zealand
David J. Cullen
Dolomite is an Evaporite Mineral Evidence from the Rock Record and from Sea-Marginal Ponds of the Red Sea
Gerald M. Friedman
Dolomite Reservoirs from Permian Biomicrites
Susan A. Longacre
Dolomitizanon of Northern Michigan Niagara Reefs by Brine Refluxion and Freshwater Seawater Mixing
S. O. Sears
Dolomitization Kinetics: Recent Experimental Studies
Alan M. Gaines
The Early Eocene of the Lake of Guiers (Western Senegal)—Reflections on Some Characteristics of Phosphate Sedimentation in Senegal
A. Boujo
Eogenetic Dolomitization in the Pre-Tertiary of the Great Basin
K. M. Nichols
Episodicity of Phosphate Deposition and Deep Ocean Circulation-a Hypothesis
Richard P. Sheldon
Future Applications of Coal Petrology - Academic and Applied
John C. Crelling
Gas Reservoirs in Stuart City Trend Along Lower Cretaceous Shelf Margin in South Texas
R. A. Schatzinger
The Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Marine Phosphorites: Part I. Characteristic Abundances and Enrichment
Z. S. Altschuler
Glauconitization and Phosphatization Environments a Tentative Comparison
G. S. Odin
Growth and Diagenesis of Middle Devonian Keg River Cementation Reefs, Rainbow Field, Alberta
V. Schmidt
The Initiation of Phosphatic Chalk Sedimentation the Senonian Cretaceous of the Anglo Paris Basin
Ian Jarvis
The Isotopic and Trace Element Geochemistry of Dolomite: The State of The Art
Lynton S. Land
Jurassic Smackover Carbonate Grainstone Reservoir, North Haynesville Field, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana
Wayne S. Croft
Laboratory Procedures in Coal Petrology
John C. Crelling
The Maastrichtian Phosphate Sequence of the Congo
Pierre Giresse
Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Phosphatic Formations in Southeastern Turkey Mazidagi Mardin
Jacques Lucas
Mississippian Non-Supratidal Dolomite, STE. Genevieve Limestone, Illinois Basin: Evidence for Mixed-Water Dolomitization
Philip W. Choquette
A Model of Penecontemporaneous Phosphatization by Diagenetic and Authigenic Mechanisms from the Western Margin of Southern Africa
G. F. Birch
Movement of Subsurface Waters Under the Sabkha Abu Dhabi, UAE, and its Relation to Evaporative Dolomite Genesis
Judith Ann McKenzie
The Origin of Phosphorite Deposits in the Light of Occurrences of Recent Sea-Floor Phosphorites
Y. Kolodny
The Petrography of Israeli Phosphorites as Related to their Beneficiation
S. Axelrod
Phosphate Geochemisty in Nearshore Carbonate Sediments a Suggestion of Apatite Formation
Henri E. Gaudette
Phosphorites—the Unsolved Problems
Y. K. Bentor
Phosphorus Concentrations in the Unconsolidated Sediments of the Tropical Atlantic Shelf of Africa South of the Equator—Oceanographic Comments
Pierre Giresse
Pinnacle Reef Reservoirs, Zeta Lake Member, Nisku Formation (Upper Devonian) West Pembina Area Alberta, Canada
D. A. Pounder
Post-Depositional Alteration of the Carbonate-Fluorapatite Phase of Moroccan Phosphates
J. M. Mcarthur
Relationship Between Dolomite Nonstoichiometry and Carbonate Facies Parameters
David N. Lumsden
Selected Reference Books
John C. Crelling
Shallow Subsurface Dolomitization of Subtidally Deposited Carbonate Sediments in the Hanson Creek Formanon (Ordovician—Silurian) of Central Nevada
John B. Dunham
Silurlan Pinnacle Reef Diagenesis-Northern Michigan: Effects of Evaporites on Pore Space Distribution
T.J. Petta
Subsurface Dolomitization Beneath the Tidal Flats of Central West Andros Island, Bahamas
Conrad D. Gebelein
Sulfur Isotopes in Phosphorites
Y. Nathan
Synergy and Techniques of Combining Core and Well-Log Data in Carbonate Reservoir Studies
R. D. Nurmi
U-Series, Oceanographic and Sedimentary Evidence in Support of Recent Formation of Phosphate Nodules off Peru
W. C. Burnett