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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Ancient Carbonate Platform Margins, Slopes and Basins

Harry E. Cook

Application of Organic Geochemistry to Hydrocarbon Occurrence

Dudley D. Rice

The Application of Stable Isotopes to Studies of the Origin of Dolomite and to Problems of Diagenesis of Clastic Sediments

Lynton S. Land

Atoll Reservoir Facies in Pennsylvanian Limestone Higgins Ranch Field, Coke County, Texas

S. J. Mazzullo ; L. J. Mazzullo

Benthic Foraminifera at the Shelfbreak: North American Atlantic and Gulf Margins

Stephen J. Culver

Breaching the Shelfbreak: Passage from Youthful to Mature Phase in Submarine Canyon Evolution

John A. Farre

Carbonate Internal Breccias: A Source of Mass Flows at Early Geosynclinal Platform Margins in Greece

Hans Füchtbauer


Dudley P. Rice

Chemical Diagenesis of Carbonates: Theory and Application of Trace Element Technique

Jan Veizer

Coastal Sandstones

Dudley D. Rice

Cyclic, Shoaling-Carbonate Banks in the Lower Glen Rose Formation (Cretaceous), South Texas

Annell R. Bay

Deltaic Influences on Shelfedge Instability Processes

James M. Coleman

Depositional Sequences, Facies and Evolution of the Upper Devonian Swan Hills Reef Buildup, Central Alberta, Canada

Christian Viau

Deposition and Porosity Evolution of a Lower Cretaceous Rudist Buildup Shuaiba Formation of Eastern Arabian Peninsula

S. H. Frost


Donald L. Gautier

Diatoms in Sediments as Indicators of the Shelf Slope Break

Constance A. Sancetta

The Effect of Sealevel Change on the Shelfedge and Slope of Passive Margins

Walter C. Pitman III

Environment Analysis of a Silurian Patch Reef, Lockport Dolomite of West Virginia

Richard Smosna

Facies and Diagenesis of Some Nisku Buildups and Associated Strata Upper Devonian, Alberta, Canada

Hans-G. Machel

Factors That Influence Sediment Transport at the Shelfbreak

Herman K. Karl

General Characteristics of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway and Basin

Dudley D. Rice

Growth, Depositional Facies, and Diagenesis of a Modern Bioherm, Galeta Point, Panama

Ian G. Macintyre

Holocene Erosion of Elizabeth Reef, Tasman Sea, Australia

Donald W. Schofield

Infaunal-Sediment Relationships at the Shelf-Slope Break

Norman J . Blake

Influence of Deposition and Early Diagenesis on Porosity and Chemical Compaction in Two Paleozoic Buildups: Mississippian and Permian Age Rocks in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico

Eugene A. Shinn

Introductory Perspectives, Basic Carbonate Principles, and Stratigraphic and Depositional Models

Harry E. Cook

Late Oligocene Reef-Tract Carbonates, Southwestern Puerto Rico

S. H. Frost

Lithofacies and Stratigraphy of an Oligocene Coral Reef of the U.S. Gulf Coast, Damon Mound, Texas

Steven D. Schafersman

Lower Jurassic Carbonate Buildups and Associated Facies, Central and Western Morocco

Robert K. Park

Marine Shales

Donald L. Gautier

Mineral Deposits at the Shelfbreak

Michael J. Cruickshank

Mississippian Continental Margins of the Conterminous United States

Raymond C. Gutschick

Modern Carbonate Shelf-Slope Breaks

Albert C. Hine

Modern Carbonate Slopes and Basins of the Bahamas

Henry T. Mullins

Modern Sediment Dynamics at the Shelf-Slope Boundary off Nova Scotia

Philip R. Hill

Modern Shallow Water Carbonate Platform Margins

Albert C. Hine

The Mudline: Variability of its Position Relative to Shelfbreak

Daniel Jean Stanley

Nonmarine Rocks

Donald L. Gautier

Occurrences of Oil and Gas in Association with the Paleo-Shelfbreak

William C. Krueger Jr.

Organic Matter Characteristics Near the Shelf-Slope Boundary

R. W. Jones

Phylloid Algal and Sponge-Bryozoan Mound-To-Basin Transition: A Late Paleozoic Facies Tract from the Kelly-Snyder Field, West Texas

Richard A. Schatzinger

Porosity Evolution of the Pleistocene Mariana Limestone, Orote Peninsula, Guam

J. L. Harbour

Prograding Shelfbreak Types on Passive Continental Margins: Some European Examplest

Denis Mougenot

Progressive Shoaling of Plio-Pleistocene Margins Little Bahama Bank

Stuart Charles Williams

Recognition of the Shelf-Slope Break Along Ancient Tectonically Active Continental Margins

Raymond V. Ingersoll

Reef, Lagoon and Off-Reef Facies James Atoll Reef (Lower Cretaceous) Fairway Field, Texas

C. W. Achauer

Role of Submarine Canyons on Shelfbreak Erosion and Sedimentation: Modern and Ancient Examples

Jeffrey A. May

Seafloor Characteristics and Dynamics Affecting Geotechnical Properties at Shelfbreaks

Richard H. Bennett

Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Middle Ordovician Carbonate Buildups, Virginia

George Grover Jr.

Sedimentology of the Slave Point Formation (Devonian) at Slave Field Lubicon Lake, Alberta

John B. Dunham

Seismic Facies of Shelfedge Deposits, U. S. Pacific Continental Margin

Michael E. Field

Shelf-Slope Break in Fossil Carbonate Platforms: An Overview

Noel P. James

Shelfbreak Circulation, Fronts and Physical Oceanography: East and West Coast Perspectives

Leonard J. Pietrafesa

Shelfbreak Physiography: An Overview

Jean-René Vanney

The Shelfbreak Some Legal Aspects

David A. Ross

Shelfedge Dynamics and the Nepheloid Layer in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

David W. McGrail

Shelf Sandstones

Dudley D. Rice

The Silurian of the Northern Michigan Basin

T. A. Bay

Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon and their Application to Sedimentologic and Paleoenvironmental Problems

Thomas F. Anderson

Stable Isotopes of Sulfur, Nitrogen and Deuterium in Recent Marine Environments

I. R. Kaplan

Structural Controls of Contemporary Carbonate Continental Margins: Bahamas, Belize, Australia

Henry T. Muilins

Structural Dynamics of the Shelf-Slope Boundary at Active Subduction Zones

George W. Moore

A Subsurface Example of a Dolomitized Middle Guadalupian (Permian) Reef from West Texas

Susan A. Longacre

Topography and Sedimentary Processes in an Epicontinental Sea

Donald L. Woodrow

Unstable Progradational Clastic Shelf Margins

Charles D. Winker

Upper Jurassic Smackover Reefs - An Example From Walker Creek Field, Arkansas

Paul M. Harris