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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Special Publications of SEPM

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Architecture and Evolution of a Whiterockian (Early Middle Ordovician) Carbonate Platform, Basin Ranges of Western U.S.A.

Reuben J. Ross JR.

Carbonate Sedimentology of the Manzanita Member of the Cherry Canyon Formation

Bret D. Hampton

Cenozoic Progradation of Northwestern Great Bahama Bank, A Record of Lateral Platform Growth and Sea-Level Fluctuations

Gregor P. Eberli

Characterization of an Upper Guadalupian Barrier-Island Complex from the Middle and Upper Tansill Formation (Permian), East Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico

M. J. Parsley

Controls on Evolution of Cambrian-Ordovician Passive Margin, U.S. Appalachians

J. F. Read

Depositional Facies and Cycles in Yates Formation Outcrops, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico

J. M. Borer

Depth Evolution of the Delaware Basin - Castile/Salado Transition

Susan D. Hovorka

Diagenesis of the Capitan Limestone, Upper Permian, Mckittrick Canyon, West Texas

Denise H. Mruk

Dolomitization Model for the Forereef Facies of the Permian Capitan Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas-New Mexico

Leslie A. Melim

Drowning Unconformities on Carbonate Platforms

Wolfgang Schlager

Dynamics of Tethyan Carbonate Platforms

Alfonso Bosellini

Eustatic Controls on the Stratigraphy and Geometry of the Latemar Buildup (Middle Triassic), The Dolomites of Northern Italy

Robert K. Goldhammer

Evolution and Destruction of a Carbonate Bank at the Shelf Margin: Grayburg Formation (Permian), Western Escarpment, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas

Evan K. Franseen

Evolution of a Lower Paleozoic Continental-Margin Carbonate Platform, Northern Canadian Appalachians

Noel P. James

The Evolution of the Carbonate Platforms of Northeast Australia

Peter J. Davies

The Evolution of the Delaware Basin - Preliminary Results

Carol A. Hill

Facies and Evolution of Precambrian Carbonate Depositional Systems: Emergence of the Modern Platform Archetype

John P. Grotzinger

Facies Mosaic of the Lower Seven Rivers Formation, Mckittrick Canyon, New Mexico

Neil F. Hurley

The Geology of Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico

David H. Jagnow

Geology of the Capitan Shelf Margin - Subsurface Data from the Northern Delaware Basin

Raymond A. Garber

Goat Seep - Precursor to the Capitan

G. Allan Crawford

An Investigation of the Use of Paleomagnetic Techniques in a Carbonate Terrane - The Capitan Reef Complex, Southwestern U.S.A.

Gill Darke

Judy Creek: A Case Study for a Two-Dimensional Sediment Deposition Simulation

David M. Scaturo

Large-Scale Channel Development Within the Capitan Reef Complex - Evidence from Carlsbad Caverns

Gill M. Harwood

Lateral Variability of the Capitan Reef Complex, West Texas and New Mexico

Lloyd C. Pray

Lower Permian Platform and Basin Depositional Systems, Northern Midland Basin, Texas

S. J. Mazzullo

The Massive Facies of the Capitan Limestone, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico

Jack A. Babcock

Peritidal Facies of the Guadalupian Shelf Crest, Walnut Canyon, New Mexico

Douglas G. Neese

Platform Evolution and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Natuna Platform, South China Sea

Kurt W. Rudolph

Quantitative Modeling of Carbonate Platforms: Some Examples

Thomas Aigner

Recent Carbonate Slope Sediments and Sedimentary Processes Bordering A Non-Rimmed Platform: Southwest Florida Continental Margin

Gregg R. Brooks

Reefal Platform Development, Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia

Phillip E. Playford

The Role of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Evolution of Caves in the Guadalupe Mountains of Southeastern New Mexico

Harvey R. DuChene

Role of Thermal Subsidence, Flexure, and Eustasy in the Evolution of Early Paleozoic Passive-Margin Carbonate Platforms

Gerard C. Bond

Sedimentary and Tectonic Controls on the Development of an Early Mississippian Carbonate Ramp, Sacramento Mountains Area, New Mexico

Wayne M. Ahr

Shallow-Water Gypsum in the Castile Formation - Significance and Implications

Alan C. Kendall

Shallow Marine Sheet Sandstones, Upper Yates Formation, Northwest Shelf, Delaware Basin, New Mexico

Magell P. Candelaria

Siliciclastic Influence on Mesozoic Platform Development: Baltimore Canyon Trough, Western Atlantic

Franz O. Meyer

Simulation of the Capitan Shelf Margin (Late Permian, Guadalupian) of West Texas/New Mexico, a Response to Eustatic Change and an Example of the Use of Sedpak

C. G. St. C. Kendall

Slope Sedimentation Associated With a Vertically Building Shelf, Bone Spring Formation, Mescalero Escarpe Field, Southeastern New Mexico

Arthur H. Saller

Stacked Island Facies in Tansill Outer-Shelf Platform, Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico

S. J. Mazzullo

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Back-Reef Upper Queenlower Seven Rivers Strata, Goat Seep-Capitan Reef Complexes (Middle-Late Guadalupian, Permian), Southeast New Mexico

J. F. (Rick) Sarg

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Shattuck Member (Queen Formation) and Lowermost Seven Rivers Formation (Guadalupian), North Mckittrick and Dog Canyons, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas

Christopher Wheeler

Subaqueous Gravity Flows in the Rader Member, Capitan Reef Complex (Permian), Delaware Mountains, West Texas

Ellen C. Lawson

Synsedimentary Tectonics in the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary Pelagic Basin of the Northern Apennines, Italy

Alessandro Montanari

Tectonic Control on the Formation of a Carbonate Platform: the Cambrian of Southwestern Sardinia

Thilo Bechstädt

Upper Cretaceous Platform-to-Basin Depositional-Sequence Development, Tremp Basin, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain

Antonio (Toni) Simo