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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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"Tuning" High-Frequency Cyclic Carbonate Platform Successions Using Omission Surfaces: Lower Jurassic of the U.A.E. and Oman

Gordon M. Walkden

3-D Seismic Acquisition, Processing and Display

Bruce S. Hart

The 3-D Seismic Revolution

Bruce S. Hart


Bruce S. Hart

Introduction: Middle East Models of Jurassic/Cretaceous Carbonate Systems

Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan

Anatomy of a Condensed Section: The Lower Cenomanian Glaucony-Rich Deposits of Cap Blanc-Nez (Boulonnais, Northern France)

Alessandro Amorosi

Applied Sandstone Diagenesis – Practical Petrographic Solutions for a Variety of Common Exploration, Development, and Production Problems

Sharon A. Stonecipher

Are Mid-Cretaceous Eustatic Events Recorded in Middle East Carbonate Platforms?

Robert W. Scott

Bacterially Mediated Authigenesis in Mesozoic Stromatolites From Condensed Pelagic Sediments (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain)

Agustín Martín-Algarra

Basic Diagenetic Facies Models the Wilcox Formation – Texas Gulf Coast

Sharon A. Stonecipher

Bedded Barite in the Geologic Record

Paul W. Jewell

Benthic Microbial Communities and Dolomite Formation in Marine and Lacustrine Environments—A New Dolomite Model

David T. Wright

Biological and Mineral Components of an Ancient Stromatolite: Gaoyuzhuang Formation, Mesoproterozoic of China

Lee Seong-Joo

Black Shales and Phosphorites, Results of Differential Diagenetic Evolution of Organic Matter in the Oulad Abdoun-Timahdit Sedimentary Basin (Morocco)

S. Benalioulhaj

Can the Sedimentary Record be Dated from a Sea-Level Chart? Examples from the Aptian of the U.A.E. and Alaska

Christopher G. St. C. Kendall

The Capitan Margin of the Guadalupe Mountains

Paul M. (Mitch) Harris

Carbonate-Phosphate Competition in the Negev Phosphorites (Southern Israel): A Microstructural Study

David Soudry

Cautions About Using Core Analysis Data the St. Peter Sandstone, Michigan Basin

Sharon A. Stonecipher

Chemostratigraphic Proxy Records: Forward Modeling the Effects of Unconformities, Variable Sediment Accumulation Rates, and Sampling-Interval Bias

Paul M. Myrow

Chronostratigraphy of Upper Cenozoic Phosphorites on the North Carolina Continental Margin and the Oceanographic Implications for Phosphogenesis

Stanley Riggs

Controls on Fabric Development and Morphology of Tufas and Stromatolites, Uppermost Pethel Group (1.8 Ga), Great Slave Lake, Northwest Canada

Michael C. Pope

Controls on Sr and C Isotope Compositions of Neoproterozoic Sr-Rich Limestones of East Greenland and North China

Ian J. Fairchild

Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of the Mesopotamian Basin, Iraq

Fadhil N. Sadooni

Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution of Arabia's Eastern Plate Margin: A Tale of Two Oceans

Kenneth W. Glennie

Dealing With Outside Contract Labs

Sharon A. Stonecipher

Depositional δ18O Signatures in Proterozoic Dolostones: Constraints on Seawater Chemistry and Early Diagenesis

Linda C. Kah

Development of Late Paleoproterozoic Aragonitic Seafloor Cements in the Mcarthur Group, Northern Australia

Peter R. Winefield

Diagenesis of Ferromanganese Crusts: Chemical and Biological Alteration of Artificial Substrates on Cross Seamount

Miriam A. Bertram

Diagenesis of the Aptian Shuaiba Formation at Ghaba North Field, Oman

Abdulrahman A. Al-Awar

Diagenesis of the Middle-Upper Jurassic Carbonate Platform (Amran Group), Yemen

Khalid A. Al-Thour

Diagenetic Evolution of Seamount Phosphorites

Laura M. Benninger

Diagenetic Facies and Formation Damage

Sharon A. Stonecipher

Diagenetic Overprints - Unconformities the Lower Cretaceous Greensand Group, North Celtic Sea

Sharon A. Stonecipher

Distribution and Composition of Verdine and Glaucony Facies From the Sediments of the Western Continental Margin of India

M. Thamban

Early Neoproterozoic (Tonian) Patch Reef Complexes, Victoria Island, Arctic Canada

G. M. Narbonne

Environmental Significance of Middle Jurassic Oncoids, Northern Sinai, Egypt

Hanafy Holail

Evolution of Late Paleoproterozoic Ramp Systems, Lower Mcnamara Group, Northeastern Australia

Terry T. Sami

Evolution of the Neoproterozoic Katakturuk Dolomite Ramp Complex, Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska

James G. Clough

Formation and Evolution of Phosphorite Grains and Nodules on the Namibian Shelf, From Recent to Pleistocene

G. N. Baturin

Framework Composition of Early Neoproterozoic Calcimicrobial Reefs and Associated Microbialites, Mackenzie Mountains, N.W.T., Canada

Elizabeth C. Turner

Gamma-Ray Logs and U-PB Zircon Geochronology—Essential Tools to Constrain Lithofacies Interpretation of Paleoproterozoic Depositional Systems

Michael J. Jackson

Geochemical Scenarios for the Precipitation of Biomimetic Inorganic Carbonates

Juan Manuel García-Ruiz

Geochemistry of Marine and Nonmarine Environments of a Neoproterozoic Cratonic Carbonate/Evaporite: The Bitter Springs Formation, Central Australia

A. C. Hill

Geological Controls on Pore Geometry of Upper Kharaib Reservoir, Offshore Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Jun-Ichi Saotome

The Global Diagenetic Flux of Phosphorus From Marine Sediments to the Oceans: Redox Sensitivity and the Control of Atmospheric Oxygen Levels

Albert S. Colman

Hueco Mountains

J. A. (Toni) Simo

Hydrocarbon Potential of Mesozoic Carbonate Platform-Basin Systems, U.A.E.

Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan

Hydrothermal Bacterial Biomineralization: Potential Modern-Day Analogues for Banded Iron-Formations

Kurt O. Konhauser

The Impact of Early-Diagenetic Aluminophosphate Precipitation on the Oceanic Phosphorus Budget

Birger Rasmussen

The Integrity of δ18O Records in Precambrian Carbonates: A Mesoproterozoic Case Study

Tracy D. Frank

Interpretation of 2-D Seismic Data

Bruce S. Hart

Interpreting 3-D Seismic Data

Bruce S. Hart

Isotopic Records Across Two Phosphorite Giant Episodes Compared: The Precambrian-Cambrian and the Late Cretaceous-Recent

Graham Shields

Late Archean Aragonite Precipitation: Petrography, Facies Associations, and Environmental Significance

Dawn Y. Sumner

Lithification and Fabric Genesis in Precipitated Stromatolites and Associated Peritidal Carbonates, Mesoproterozoic Billyakh Group, Siberia

Julie K. Bartley

Marine Authigenesis, a Holistic Approach

Craig R. Glenn

Marine Phosphogenesis in Shallow-Water Environments: Cambrian, Tertiary, and Recent Examples

Tobias Schwennicke

Microfacies Analysis of Berriasian-Hauterivian Carbonates, Central Saudi Arabia

Hisham T. Shebl

Microfacies and Microfabrics of Maastrichtian Carbonates, Northwestern Oman Mountains, U.A.E.

Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan

Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence for the Origin of Phosphorite Nodules on the Upper West Florida Slope

Kendall B. Fountain

Ocean/Atmosphere History and Carbonate Precipitation Rates: A Solution to the "Dolomite Problem"?

Rolf S. Arvidson

Ooidal Ironstones and Phosphorites—A Comparison From a Stratigrapher's View

Franklyn B. Van Honten

Origin and Correlation of Disconformity Surfaces and Marker Beds, Nahr Umr Formation, Northern Oman

Adrian Immenhauser

Paleoecology of Late Cretaceous Rudist Settlements in Central Oman

Dietrich Schumann

Phosphorite and Limestone, Two Independent End-Member Products of the Range of Bio-Productivity in Shallow Marine Environments

Jacques Lucas

Physical Basis of Reflection Seismology

Bruce S. Hart

Platinum and Other Related Element Enrichments in Pacific Ferromanganese Crust Deposits

Denys L. VonderHaar

Precambrian Carbonates: Evolution of Understanding

John P. Grotzinger

Pristine to Reworked Verdine: Keys to Sequence Stratigraphy in Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Forereef Sediments (Great Barrier Reef)

John D. Kronen Jr.

Rare-Earth Element Behavior in Phosphates and Organic-Rich Host Shales: An Example From the Upper Carboniferous of Midcontinent North America

Anna M. Cruse

Rare-Earth Elements and Uranium in Phosphorite Nodules From the Continental Margins of India

B. Nagender Nath

Rare Earth Element Fractionation in Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crusts: The Influence of Carbonate Complexation and Phosphatization on Sm/Yb Ratios

E. Reinen De Carlo

Reservoir Geology of the Middle Minagish Member (Minagish Oolite), Umm Gudair Field, Kuwait

Roger Davies

Role of Tectonics in Phosphorus Distribution and Cycling

Michael W. Guidry

Sedimentology of a Late Mesoproterozoic Muddy Carbonate Ramp, Northern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada

Anne G. Sherman

Seismic Acquisition and Processing

Bruce S. Hart

Selected Case Studies

Bruce S. Hart

A Sequence Stratigraphie Reference Section for the Tithonian of Lebanon

Christopher Toland

Sequence Stratigraphy and Diagenetic Facies the Second Frontier Formation, Moxa Arch, Wyoming

Sharon A. Stonecipher

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Authigenic Minerals in Continental Shelf Sediments: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis

Kevin G. Taylor

Stratigraphic Condensation and the Redeposition of Economic Phosphorite: Allostratigraphy of Oligo-Miocene Shelfal Sediments, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Kurt A. Grimm

Stratigraphic Framework and Reservoir Development of the Upper Jurassic in Abu Dhabi Onshore Area, U.A.E.

Mohamed R. Ayoub

Stratigraphy, Stable Isotopes, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Aptian Shuaiba Formation, U.A.E.

Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan

Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of Upper Jurassic Diyab Formation, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Ahmed S. Al-Suwaidi

Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of the Middle Jurassic, U.A.E.

Jose E. De Matos

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Permian Strata, Uinta Mountains, Utah: Allostratigraphic Controls on the Accumulation of Economic Phosphate

Marc S. Hendrix

Stylolites in Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs, U.A.E.

Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan


Bruce S. Hart

Summary and Key Points

Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and J. A. (Toni) Simo

Synoptic Guide to Lower Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves of Arabia

Peter W. Skelton

Transfer of Phosphorus From the Indian Sub-Continent to the Adjacent Oceans

V. Subramanian

U-Series, 14C, and Stable Isotope Studies of Recent Phosphatic "Protocrusts" From the Peru Margin

W. C. Burnett

Upwelling, Sedimentation and Anoxia Control on Deposition of Phosphates in the Late Cretaceous California Margin

Carlos Fonseca

Variations in the Global Phosphorus Cycle

J. Compton