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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Special Publications of SEPM

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Anatomy and Lithofacies of an Intact and Seismic-Scale Carboniferous Carbonate Platform (Asturias, NW Spain): Analogs of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Pricaspian Basin (Kazakhstan)

Jeroen A. M. Kenter

Biogenic Silica Profiles in the Sediments of Large Tropical lakes: Examples from East Africa

Thomas C. Johnson

Biotic and Abiotic Influence on the Stratigraphic Architecture and Diagenesis of Middle to Upper Paleozoic Carbonates of the Bolshoi Karatau Mountains, Kazakhstan and the Southern Urals, Russia

William G. Zempolich

Causes and Consequences of Lithospheric Extension: The Ups and Downs of Continental Rifts

Cynthia Ebinger

Clay Minerals as Paleoenvironmental Indicators in two Large Lakes of the African Rift Valleys: Lake Malawi and Lake Turkana

Richard F. Yuretich

Deposition and Geochemistry of Lacustrine and Spring Carbonates in Mesozoic Rift basins, Eastern North America

Carol B. De Wet

Devonian and Carboniferous Carbonate Platform Facies in the Bolshoi Karatau, Southern Kazakhstan: Outcrop Analogs for Coeval Carbonate Oil and Gas Fields in the North Caspian Basin, Western Kazakhstan

Harry E. Cook

Early and Mid-Cretaceous Buildups

Richard Höfling

Fossil Hot-Spring Travertine in the Turkana Basin, Northern Kenya: Structure, Facies, and Genesis

Robin W. Renaut

From Patterns to Processes: The Future of Reef Research

Wolfgang Kiesslinq

Influence of Eustasy and Tectonism on Reef Architecture in Early Permian Reef Complexes, Southern Urals, Russia

Emmanuelle Vennin

Jurassic Reef Patterns—The Expression of a Changing Globe

Reinhold R. Leinfelder

Kharyaga, Komi Republic, Example of a Late Devonian Karstified Field: Consequences for the Reservoir Characteristics

Philippe A. Lapointe

Latest Devonian and Early Carboniferous Reefs: Depressed Reef Building After the Middle Paleozoic Collapse

Gregory E. Webb

Magadiite and Magadi Chert: A Critical Analysis of the Silica Sediments in the Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya

Hans-Jürgen Behr

Middle and Late Permian Reefs—Distributional Patterns and Reservoir Potential

Oliver Weidlich

A New Look at Ancient Reefs

Erik Flügel

The Okavango Delta—Semiarid Alluvial-Fan Sedimentation Related to Incipient Rifting

T. S. Mccarthy

Olorgesailie, Kenya: A Million Years in the Life of a Rift Basin

Anna K. Behrensmeyer

Orbitally Driven Depositional Cyclicity in Shallow Marine Carbonates of the Lower Paleozoic Aisha-Bibi Seamount (Malyi Karatau, Kazakhstan): Integrated Sedimentological and Time-Series Study

Dmitry A. Bazykin

Paleohydrological Signatures and Rift Tectonics in the Interior of Gondwana Documented from Upper Permian Lake Deposits, the Mid-Zambezi Rift Basin, Zambia

Keddy Yemane

Paleopedology and Stable-Isotope Geochemistry of Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian) Paleosols, Durham Sub-Basin, North Carolina, U.S.A.: Implications for Paleoclimate and Paleoatmospheric PCO2

Steven G. Driese

Paleoreefs—A Database on Phanerozoic reefs

Wolfgang Kiessling

Paleozoic Carbonates of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Subsurface Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogs

William G. Zempolich

Patterns and Processes Influencing Upper Cretaceous Reefs

Claudia C. Johnson

Patterns of Ordovician Reef Development

Barry D.Webby

Patterns of Phanerozoic Reef Crises

Erik Flügel

Pedogenic Mud Aggregates in Rift Sedimentation

Elizabeth H. Gierlowski-Kordesch

Phanerozoic Time Scale and Definition of Time Slices

Jan Golonka

Plate-Tectonic Maps of the Phanerozoic

Jan Golonka

Reef Patterns and Environmental Influences in the Cambrian and Earliest Ordovician

Stephen M. Rowland

Rift-Basin Structure and Its Influence on Sedimentary Systems

Martha Oliver Withjack

Rifts as Denudation-Accumulation Systems: Concept, Models, and Examples

Matthias Hinderer

Rift Sedimentation

Gail M. Ashley

Secular Variations in the Phanerozoic Reef Ecosystem

Wolfgang Kiessling

Sedimentary Processes and Lithofacies in Lake-Margin Groundwater-Fed Wetlands in East Africa

Daniel M. Deocampo

Sedimentation Patterns in a Plio-Pleistocene Volcaruclastic Rift-Platform Basin, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

Gail M. Ashley

Sedimentological Characteristics and Origins of Diatomaceous Deposits in the East African Rift System

Richard B. Owen

Sequence Stratigraphy, Facies, and Reservoir Quality of Lower Devonian Carbonates in Roman Trebsa Field, Timan-Pechora Basin, C.I.S.

Jonathan Kaufman

Silurian and Devonian Reefs: 80 Million Years of Global Greenhouse Between Two Ice Ages

Paul Copper

A Summary of Paleozoic Reef Building Within the Boundaries of the Former Soviet Union and Adjacent Regions

V. G. Kuznetsov

Tectonic Settings of Continental Extensional Provinces and Their Impact on Ssedimentation and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity

Chris K. Morley

Temporal and Spatial Variability of Alluvial-Fan and Axial-Fluvial Sedimentation in the Plio-Pleistocene Palomas Half Graben, Southern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Greg H. Mack

Tertiary: The Emergence of Modern Reef Ecosystems

Christine Perrin

Trace-Element Composition of Cherts from Alkaline Lakes in the East African Rift: A Probe for Ancient Counterparts

Robert Kerrich

Triassic Reef Patterns

Erik Flügel

Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian Kozhim Carbonate Bank, Subpolar Pre-Ural Mountains, Northern Russia

Gregory P. Wahlman

Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian (Bashkirian–Kungarian) Mounds and Reefs

Gregory P. Wahlman